mercredi 18 septembre 2019

Manual solution Tests and Measurement for People Who Think They Hate Tests and Measurement 3rd edition by Salkind for sale

Tests and Measurement for People Who Think They Hate Tests and Measurement 3rd edition by Salkind

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Tests and Measurement for People Who Think They Hate Tests and Measurement 3rd edition by Salkind by Salkind ZIP OR PDF for sale 

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Table of Content: PART I In the Beginning . . .
1. Why Me-asurement? An Introduction
PART II The Psychology of Psychometrics
2. One Potato, Two Potatoes . . . Levels of Measurement and Their Importance
3. Getting It Right Every Time: Reliability and Its Importance
4. The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: Validity and Its Importance
5. Welcome to Lake Wobegon, Where All the Children Are Above Average: Norms and Percentiles
6. Item Response Theory—A “New” Kid on the Block
PART III The Tao and How of Testing
7. Short-Answer and Completion Items: Baskin Robbins® Has __ Flavors
8. Essay Items: Hope You Can Write
9. Multiple-Choice Items: Always Pick Answer C and You’ll Be Right About 25% of the Time
10. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match: Matching Items
11. True-False Tests: T or F? I Passed My First Measurement Test
12. Portfolios: Seeing the Big Picture
13. So, Tell Me About Your Childhood: Interesting Interviews
PART IV What to Test and How to Test It
14. Achievement Tests: Who Really Discovered America?
15. Personality and Neuropsychological Testing: Type A, B, or Me?
16. Aptitude Tests: What’s in Store for Me?
17. Intelligence Tests: That Rubik’s Cube Is Driving Me Nuts
18. Career Choices: So You Want to Be a What?
PART V It’s Not Always as You Think: Issues in Tests and Measurement
19. Test Bias: Fair for Everyone?
20. The Law, Testing, and Ethics: No Child (Should Be) Left Behind and Other Very Interesting Stuff
Product Details: Language: English
ISBN-10: 1506368387
ISBN-13: 978-1506368382
ISBN-13: 9781506368382
Author: Neil J. Salkind 
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