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- Digital file of Child Development: A Cultural Approach (casebound) for sale
Category : Higher Education
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Table of Contents
In this Section:
1. Brief Table of Contents
2. Full Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Child Development
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child
Chapter 4: Infancy
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood
Chapter 8: Adolescence
Chapter 9: Emerging Adulthood
Chapter 1: A Cultural Approach to Child Development
Humanity Today: A Demographic Profile
Variations Across Countries
Variations Within Countries
The Origins of Human Diversity
Evolution and the Birth of Culture
Human Evolution and Human Development Today
Section 2: theories of Human Development
Classic Theories
Psychodynamic Theories
Behaviorism and Learning Theories
Constructivist Theories
Recent Theories
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
A Stage Model for This Book
Section 3: How We Study Human Development
The Scientific Study of Human Development
The Five Steps of the Scientific Method
Ethics in Human Development Research
Methods and Designs in Research
Research Methods
Research Designs
Summing Up
CULTURAL FOCUS: Incredible India!
HISTORICAL FOCUS: Ancient Conceptions of Human Development
RESEARCH FOCUS: Darwin’s Diary
Chapter 2: Genetics and Prenatal Development
Genetic Basics
Genotype and Phenotype
The Sex Chromosomes
Genes and Environment in Human Development
Principles of Behavior Genetics
Gene—Environment Interactions: Epigenesis and Reaction Ranges
The Theory of Genotype ® Environment Effects
Genes and Individual Development
Sperm and Egg Formation
Prenatal Development
The Germinal Period (First 2 Weeks)
The Embryonic Period (Weeks 3—8)
The Fetal Period (Week 9—Birth)
Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care in Traditional Cultures
Scientifically Based Prenatal Care
Risks in the Prenatal Period
Chromosomal Disorders
Prenatal Diagnosis
Infertility and Reproductive Technologies
Causes of Infertility
Infertility Treatments
Infertility Worldwide
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Oskar and Jack: A Story of Genes, Environments, and Cultures
Historical Focus: How Are Babies Made?
RESEARCH FOCUS: The Human Genome Project
Chapter 3: Birth and the Newborn Child
Section 1: Birth and its Cultural Context
The Birth Process
Stages of the Birth Process
Birth Complications
Cultural and Historical Variations in Birth Beliefs and Practices
Variations in Birth Beliefs
Variations in Birth Practices
Variations on Birth in the West
Cultural Variations in Neonatal and Maternal Mortality
Section 2: The Neonate
The Neonate’s Health
Measuring Neonatal Health
Low Birth Weight
Physical Functioning of the Neonate
Neonatal Sleeping Patterns
Neonatal Reflexes
Neonatal Senses
Section 3: Caring for the Neonate
Nutrition: Is Breast Best?
Evolutionary and Historical Perspectives on Breast Feeding
Benefits of Breast Feeding
Social and Emotional Aspects of Neonatal Care
Crying and Soothing
Bonding: Myth and Truth
Postpartum Depression
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Easing Birth Among the Cuna Indians
Historical Focus: The Tragic History of Doctor-Assisted Births in the 19th Century
Research Focus: How Much Does Breast Feeding Matter?
Chapter 4: Infancy
Section 1: Physical Development
Growth and Change in Infancy
Bodily Growth
Brain Development
Sleep Changes
Infant Health
Nutritional Needs
Infant Mortality
Baby on the Move: Motor and Sensory Development
Motor Development
Sensory Development
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
The Sensorimotor Substages
Object Permanence
Evaluating Piaget’s Sensorimotor Theory
Information Processing in Infancy
Assessing Infant Development
Approaches to Assessing Development
Can Media Enhance Cognitive Development? The Myth of “Baby Einstein”
The Beginnings of Language
First Sounds and Words
Infant-Directed (ID) Speech
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Conceptualizing Temperament: Three Approaches
Infants’ Emotions
Primary Emotions
Infants’ Emotional Perceptions
The Social World of the Infant
Cultural Themes of Infant Social Life
The Foundation of Social Development: Two Theories
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Infant Care in Rural Turkey
Historical Focus: Protecting Infants the Puritan Way
Research Focus: Measuring Temperament
Chapter 5: Toddlerhood
Section 1: physical development
Growth and Change in Years 2 and 3
Bodily Growth
Brain Development
Sleep and (More) Teething
Motor Development
Socializing Physical Functions: Toilet Training and Weaning
Toilet Training
Section 2: cognitive development
Cognitive Development Theories
Cognitive Development in Toddlerhood: Piaget’s Theory
Vygotsky’s Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development
Language Development
The Biological and Evolutionary Bases of Language
Milestones of Toddler Language: From First Words to Fluency
Learning Language in a Social and Cultural Context
Section 3: emotional and social development
Emotional Development in Toddlerhood
Toddlers’ Emotions
The Birth of the Self
Gender Identity and the Biology of Gender Development
One Special Person: Attachment Theory and Research
Attachment Theory
Quality of Attachment
Critiques of Attachment Theory
The Social World of the Toddler
The Role of Fathers
The Wider Social World: Siblings, Peers, and Friends
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Disruption in Social Development
Media Use in Toddlerhood
Summing Up
CULTURAL FOCUS: Toddlerhood in Aboriginal Australia
Historical Focus: The History of Toilet Training
RESEARCH FOCUS: Early Child Care and Its Consequences
Chapter 6: Early Childhood
Growth from Age 3 to 6
Bodily Growth
Brain Development and “Infantile” Amnesia
Health and Safety in Early Childhood
Motor Development
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Theories of Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage of Cognitive Development
Understanding Thinking: The Development of “Theory of Mind”
Cultural Learning in Early Childhood
Early Childhood Education
The Importance of Preschool Quality
Cross-National Variations
Preschool as a Cognitive Intervention
Language Development
Advances in Vocabulary and Grammar
Pragmatics: Social and Cultural Rules of Language
Emotional Regulation and Gender Socialization
Emotional Regulation
Moral Development
Gender Development
Parenting “Styles”
Parenting in Other Cultures
Discipline and Punishment
The Child’s Expanding Social World
Siblings and “Only Children”
Peers and Friends
Media Use in Early Childhood
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: Shyness in China and Canada
Historical Focus: Beat a Child, Save a Soul
Research Focus: The Montessori Preschool Program
Chapter 7: Middle Childhood
Section 1: physical development
Growth in Middle Childhood
Physical Growth and Sensory Development
Nutrition and Malnutrition
Illness and Injuries
Motor Development
Gross Motor Development Fine
Motor Development
Section 2: cognitive development
Theories of Cognitive Development
Concrete Operations
Information Processing
Intelligence and Intelligence Tests
Learning the Cognitive Skills of School: Reading and Mathematics
Language Development
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pragmatics
School in Middle Childhood
Cultural Variations in School Experiences
Learning the Cognitive Skills of School: Reading and Mathematics
Section 3: emotional and social development
Emotional and Self-Development
Smooth Sailing: Advances in Emotional Self-Regulation
Gender Development
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Middle Childhood
Family Relations
Friends and Peers
Media Use
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: School Socialization in Guatemala
Historical Focus: Work Among British Children in the 19th Century
Research Focus: TV or Not TV
Chapter 8: Adolescence
Section 1: physical development
The Metamorphosis: Biological Changes of Puberty
The Physical Changes of Puberty
The Timing of Puberty
Cultural Responses: Puberty Rituals
Health Issues in Adolescence
Eating Disorders
Substance Use
Section 2: cognitive development
Piaget’s Theory of Formal Operations
Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
Critiques of Piaget’s Theory of Formal Operations
Other Changes in Adolescent Thinking
Information Processing: Selective Attention and Metamemory
Social Cognition: The Imaginary Audience and the Personal Fable
Culture and Cognition
Adolescent Education and Work
Schools: Secondary Education around the World
Adolescent Work
Section 3: emotional and social development
Emotional and Self-Development
Emotionality in Adolescence: Storm and Stress?
Self-Development in Adolescence
Gender Intensification
Cultural Beliefs: Morality and Religion
Moral Development
Religious Beliefs
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Adolescence
Family Relationships
Peers and Friends
Love and Sexuality
Media Use
Problems and Resilience
Crime and Delinquency
Resilience in Adolescence
Summing Up
CULTURAL FOCUS: Apprenticeships in Europe
Historical Focus: From Fasting Saints to Anorexic Girls
RESEARCH FOCUS: The Daily Rhythms of Adolescents’ Family Lives
Chapter 9: Emerging Adulthood
Section 1: Physical Development
The Emergence of Emerging Adulthood
Five Features
The Cultural Context of Emerging Adulthood
Physical Changes of Emerging Adulthood
The Peak of Physical Functioning
Sleep Patterns and Deficits
Risk Behavior and Health Issues
Injuries and Fatalities: Automobile Accidents
Substance Use and Abuse
Section 2: Cognitive Development
Postformal Thinking
Reflective Judgment
Tertiary Education: College, University, and Training Programs
Cultural Variations in Tertiary Education
The Benefits of Tertiary Education
Section 3: Emotional and Social Development
Emotional and Self-Development
Identity Development
Gender Development: Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes
Cultural Beliefs
Religious Development
Political Development
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Emerging Adulthood
Family Relationships
Love and Sexuality
Finding Adult Work
Social Uses of Media
Summing Up
Cultural Focus: The Young Men of Truk Island
Historical Focus: Gender and Cognitive Development in Emerging Adulthood
RESEARCH FOCUS: Graduated Driver Licensing
Practice Tests Answer Key
Name Index
Subject Index
Manual solution Child Development: A Cultural Approach (casebound) for sale , Child Development: A Cultural Approach (casebound) for sale , Child Development: A Cultural Approach (casebound) pdf for sale , Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Clark University Ashley Maynard, University of Hawaii at Manoa
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