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Table of Contents
Found in this section:
1. Brief Table of Contents
2. Full Table of Contents
Chapter 1 People in Motion: The Atlantic World to 1590
Chapter 2 Models of Settlement: English Colonial Societies, 1590–1710
Chapter 3 Growth, Slavery, and Conflict: Colonial America, 1710–1763
Chapter 4 Revolutionary America: Change and Transformation, 1764–1783
Chapter 5 A Virtuous Republic: Creating a Workable Government, 1783–1789
Chapter 6 The New Republic: An Age of Political Passion, 1789–1800
Chapter 7 Jeffersonian America: An Expanding Empire of Liberty, 1800–1824
Chapter 8 Democrats and Whigs: Democracy and American Culture, 1820–1840
Chapter 9 Workers, Farmers, and Slaves: The Transformation of the American Economy, 1815–1848
Chapter 10 Revivalism, Reform, and Artistic Renaissance, 1820–1850:
Chapter 11 “To Overspread the Continent”: Westward Expansion and Political Conflict, 1840–1848
Chapter 12 Slavery and Sectionalism: The Political Crisis of 1848–1861
Chapter 13 A Nation Torn Apart: The Civil War, 1861–1865
Chapter 14 Now That We Are Free: Reconstruction and the New South, 1863–1890
Chapter 15 Conflict and Conquest: The Transformation of the West, 1860–1900
Chapter 16 Wonder and Woe: The Rise of Industrial America, 1865–1900
Chapter 17 Becoming a Modern Society: America in the Gilded Age, 1877–1900
Chapter 18 Creating a Democratic Paradise: The Progressive Era, 1895 –1915
Chapter 19 Imperial America: The United States in the World, 1890–1914
Chapter 20 The Great War: World War I, 1914–1918
Chapter 21 A Turbulent Decade: The Twenties
Chapter 22 A New Deal for America: The Great Depression, 1929–1940
Chapter 23 World War II: Fighting the Good War, 1939–1945
Chapter 24 A Divided World: The Early Cold World, 1945–1963
Chapter 25 In a Land of Plenty: Contentment and Discord, 1945–1960
Chapter 26 A Nation Divided: The Vietnam War, 1945–1975
Chapter 27 A Decade of Discord: The Challenge of the Sixties
Chapter 28 Righting a Nation Adrift: America in the 1970s and 1980s
Chapter 29 Building a New World Order: The United States, 1989–2009
Charts, Graphs, and Tables
Envisioning Evidence
Images as History
Competing Visions
Choices and Consequences
About the Authors
Supplements for Instructors and Students
Chapter 1: People in Motion:The Atlantic World to 1590
The First Americans
European Civilization in Turmoil
Competing Visions
European and Huron Views of Nature
Columbus and the Columbian Exchange
West African Worlds
Choices and Consequences
Benin, Portugal, and the International Slave Trade
European Colonization of the Atlantic World
Images as History
Marketing the New World: Theodore De Bry’s Engravings of the Americas
Chapter Review
Chapter 2: Models of Settlement:English Colonial Societies, 1590–1710
The Chesapeake Colonies
Choices and Consequences
The Ordeal of Pocahontas
New England
Images as History
Corruption versus Piety
Envisioning Evidence
Patterns of Settlement in New England and the Chesapeake Compared
Competing Visions
Antinomianism or Toleration: The Puritan Dilemma
The Caribbean Colonies
The Restoration Era and the Proprietary Colonies
The Crises of the Late Seventeenth Century
The Whig Ideal and the Emergence of Political Stability
Chapter Review
Chapter 3: Growth, Slavery, and Conflict:Colonial America, 1710–1763
Culture and Society in the Eighteenth Century
Images as History
A Portrait of Colonial Aspirations
Enlightenment and Awakenings
African Americans in the Colonial Era
Envisioning Evidence
The Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Trade
Immigration, Regional Economies, and Inequality
War and the Contest over Empire
Competing Visions
Sir William Johnson and the Iroquois: Indian Visions versus British Arms
Choices and Consequences
Quakers, Pacifism, and the Paxton Uprising
Chapter Review
Chapter 4: Revolutionary America: Change and Transformation, 1764–1783
Tightening the Reins of Empire
Envisioning Evidence
A Comparison of the Annual Per Capita Tax Rates in Britain and the Colonies in 1765
Patriots versus Loyalists
Images as History
Trumbull’s The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill
Choices and Consequences
A Loyalist Wife’s Dilemma
America at War
The Radicalism of the American Revolution
Competing Visions
Remember the Ladies
Chapter Review
Chapter 5: A Virtuous Republic:Creating a Workable Government, 1783–1789
Republicanism and the Politics of Virtue
Images as History
Women’s Roles: Tradition and Change
Life under the Articles of Confederation
The Movement for Constitutional Reform
The Great Debate
Competing Visions
Brutus and the Publius Debate the Nature of Republicanism
Choices and Consequences
To Ratify or Not
Chapter Review
Chapter 6: The New Republic: An Age of Political Passion, 1789–1800
Launching the New Government
Hamilton’s Ambitious Program
Partisanship without Parties
Conflicts at Home and Abroad
Competing Visions
Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s Reactions to the French Revolution
Choices and Consequences
Washington’s Decision to Crush the Whiskey Rebellion
Cultural Politics in a Passionate Age
Images as History
Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences
The Stormy Presidency of John Adams
Chapter Review
Chapter 7: Jeffersonian America:An Expanding Empire of Liberty, 1800–1824
Politics in Jeffersonian America
Envisioning Evidence
The World of Slavery at Monticello
An Expanding Empire of Liberty
Choices and Consequences
John Marshall’s Predicament
Images as History
Samuel Morse’s House of Representatives and the National Republican Vision
Dissension at Home
America Confronts a World at War
Competing Visions
War Hawks and Their Critics
The Republic Reborn: Consequences of the War of 1812
Crisis and the Collapse of the National Republican Consensus
Chapter Review
Chapter 8: Democrats and Whigs:Democracy and American Culture, 1820–1840
Democracy in America
Competing Visions
Should White Men Without Property Have the Vote?
Andrew Jackson and His Age
White Man’s Democracy
Choices and Consequences
Acquiesce or Resist? The Cherokee Dilemma
Democrats, Whigs, and the Second Party System
Images as History
King Andrew and the Downfall of Mother Bank
Playing the Democrats’ Game: Whigs in the Election of 1840
Chapter Review
Chapter 9: Workers, Farmers, and Slaves:The Transformation of the American Economy, 1815–1848
The Market Revolution
Images as History
Nature, Technology, and the Railroad: George Inness’s Lackawanna Valley (1855)
The Spread of Industrialization
Competing Visions
The Lowell Strike of 1834
The Changing Urban Landscape
Envisioning Evidence
The Economics and Geography of Vice in Mid-Nineteenth Century New York
Southern Society
Life and Labor under Slavery
Choices and Consequences
Conscience or Duty? Judge Ruffin’s Quandary
Chapter Review
Chapter 10: Revivalism, Reform, and Artistic Renaissance, 1820–1850
Revivalism and Reform
Abolitionism and the Proslavery Response
Images as History
The Greek Slave
The Cult of True Womanhood, Reform, and Women’s Rights
Religious and Secular Utopianism
Competing Visions
Reactions to Shaker Gender Roles
Choices and Consequences
Mary Cragin’s Experiment in Free Love at Oneida
Literature and Popular Culture
Nature’s Nation
Chapter Review
Chapter 11: “To Overspread the Continent”:Westward Expansion and Political Conflict, 1840–1848
Manifest Destiny and Changing Visions of the West
Images as History
George Catlin and Mah-To-Toh-Pa: Representing Indians for an American Audience
American Expansionism into the Southwest
The Mexican War and Its Consequences
Choices and Consequences
Henry David Thoreau and Civil Disobedience
The Wilmot Proviso and the Realignment of American Politics
Competing Visions
Slavery and the Election of 1848
Chapter Review
Chapter 12: Slavery and Sectionalism:The Political Crisis of 1848–1861
The Slavery Question in the Territories
Choices and Consequences
Resisting the Fugitive Slave Act
Political Realignment
Images as History
The “Foreign Menace”
Two Societies
Envisioning Evidence
The Rise of King Cotton
A House Divided
Competing Visions
Secession or Union?
Chapter Review
Chapter 13: A Nation Torn Apart:The Civil War, 1861–1865
Mobilization, Strategy, and Diplomacy
The Early Campaigns, 1861–1863
Images as History
Who Freed the Slaves?
Behind the Lines
Competing Visions
Civil Liberties in a Civil War
Toward Union Victory
Choices and Consequences
Equal Peril, Unequal Pay
Envisioning Evidence
Human Resources in the Armies of the Civil War
Chapter Review
Chapter 14: Now That We Are Free:Reconstruction and the New South, 1863–1890
Preparing for Reconstruction
The Fruits of Freedom
The Struggle to Define Reconstruction
Competing Visions
Demanding Rights, Protecting Privilege
Implementing Reconstruction
Reconstruction Abandoned
Images as History
Political Cartoons Reflect the Shift in Public Opinion
The New South
Choices and Consequences
Sanctioning Separation
Chapter Review
Chapter 15: Conflict and Conquest:The Transformation of the West, 1860–1900
Natives and Newcomers
The Economic Transformation of the West
Native Americans Under Siege
Competing Visions
Inevitable Progress or Unjust Invasion?
Choices and Consequences
Forced Assimilation versus Cultural Preservation
Persecution and Romanticism
Images as History
Annie Oakley
Chapter Review
Chapter 16: Wonder and Woe:The Rise of Industrial America, 1865–1900
The Emergence of Big Business
Creating a Mass Market
The World of Work Transformed
Competing Visions
The Legitimacy of Unions
Conflicting Visions of Industrial Capitalism
Images as History
Why Fear Big Business?
Choices and Consequences
To Strike or Not to Strike?
Chapter Review
Chapter 17: Becoming a Modern Society:America in the Gilded Age, 1877–1900
The Rise of the City
A Search for Solutions
Images as History
Seeing the Poor
New Habits, Roles, and Lifestyles
The Challenge from Below
Competing Visions
Progress or Peril?
Choices and Consequences
The Pullman Strike
Chapter Review
Chapter 18: Creating a Democratic Paradise:The Progressive Era, 1895 –1915
The Progressive Impulse
Reining in Big Business
Competing Views on Transforming the Workplace
Choices and Consequences
Regulating Workers’ Hours
Protecting Women and Children
Images as History
Exposing the Evils of Child Labor
Reforming the Government
Envisioning Evidence
The Family Economy
Competing Visions
Seeking Racial Uplift
Chapter Review
Chapter 19: Imperial America:The United States in the World, 1890–1914
Becoming a World Power
The Spanish-American War
Images as History
Atrocity Stories and Public Opinion
Creating an American Empire
Competing Visions
Annexing the Philippines
America and East Asia
Choices and Consequences
The Legal Construction of “Whiteness”
In America’s Backyard
Chapter Review
Chapter 20: The Great War: World War I, 1914–1918
The Decision for War
The War at Home
Images as History
Propaganda Posters
Fighting the War
Choices and Consequences
Alvin York, Deciding to Serve
Envisioning Evidence
Understanding the Battlefield
Competing Visions
Joining the League of Nations
Chapter Review
Chapter 21: A Turbulent Decade: The Twenties
Cars and Planes: The Promise of the Twenties
Envisioning Evidence
Scientific Management in Action
Cultural Unrest
Racial Violence and Civil Rights
Competing Visions
Debating Garveyism
The New Woman
Images as History
Advertising the New Woman
Ensuring Peace: Diplomacy in the Twenties
Choices and Consequences
Preventing War in Europe
Chapter Review
Chapter 22: A New Deal for America: The Great Depression, 1929–1940
The Early Days of the Depression
Choices and Consequences
Evicting the Bonus Marchers
A New President and a New Deal
Recovering from the Depression
A New Deal for Farmers
Images as History
“Migrant Mother” —An American Icon
Reforms to Ensure Social Justice
Competing Visions
Sharing the Wealth
Envisioning Evidence
Interpreting Public Opinion Polls
Chapter Review
Chapter 23: World War II: Fighting the Good War, 1939–1945
The Approaching War
On the Home Front
Competing Visions
Civil Liberties and National Security Clash
On the Front Lines
Chapter 24: A Divided World: The Early Cold War, 1945—1963
Origins of the Cold War
Fighting Communism: Cold and Hot War
Images as History
Surviving an Atomic Bomb Blast
Spies in Our Midst
Competing Visions
Naming Names in Hollywood
Averting Nuclear War
Envisioning Evidence
The Berlin Wall
Choices and Consequences
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Chapter Review
Chapter 25: In a Land of Plenty: Contentment and Discord, 1945—1960
Securing the New Deal Legacy
A Middle-Class America
Competing Visions
Suburbs–American Dream or Nightmare?
Popular Culture in the Fifties
Freedom Now: The Civil Rights Movement
Images as History
Inspiring a New Generation to Act
Choices and Consequences
Rosa Parks Makes History
Envisioning Evidence
A National Snapshot of Racial Discrimination
Chapter Review
Chapter 26: A Nation Divided: The Vietnam War, 1945—1975
The Long Road to War
Choices and Consequences
Making Vietnam America’s War
Fighting in Vietnam
Images as History
The Role of the Press in Vietnam
Controversy on the Home Front
Competing Visions
Who was Responsible for the My Lai Massacre?
The Long Road to Peace
Envisioning Evidence
Vietnam: The Wary by the Numbers
Chapter Review
Chapter 27: A Decade of Discord: The Challenge of the Sixties
The Liberal Moment
Choices and Consequences
Is School Prayer Constitutional?
Nonviolence Triumphant: The Civil Rights Movement, 1960—1965
Images as History
Birmingham, 1963
The Fractured Left
Competing Visions
Defining “Black Power”
The End of an Era
Chapter Review
Chapter 28: Righting a Nation Adrift: America in the 1970s and 1980s
Downturn and Scandal
Images as History
Watergate Through Political Cartoons
A Crisis of Presidential Leadership
Choices and Consequences
Ending the Iranian Hostage Crisis
The Rights Revolution
Competing Visions
Defining the Ideal Woman
The Rise of the Right
Chapter Review
Chapter 29: Building a New World Order: The United States, 1989—20011
“A Moment Rich with Promise”
Images as History
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Contested Visions of Government
Transforming Daily Life
Competing Visions
The Economic Cost of Immigration
New Threats in the Post-Cold War World
Choices and Consequences
Launching a Preemptive War
Chapter Review
Manual solution Black and White Edition of Visions of America, Combined Volume, 2nd Edition for sale , Black and White Edition of Visions of America, Combined Volume, 2nd Edition for sale , Black and White Edition of Visions of America, Combined Volume, 2nd Edition pdf for sale , Jennifer D. Keene, Chapman University Saul T. Cornell, Fordham University Edward T. O'Donnell, The College of the Holy Cross
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