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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Psychology
CHAPTER 2 The Ways and Means of Psychology
CHAPTER 3 Evolution, Heredity, and Behavior
CHAPTER 4 Biology of Behavior
CHAPTER 5 Learning and Behavior
CHAPTER 6 Sensation
CHAPTER 7 Perception
CHAPTER 8 Memory
CHAPTER 9 Consciousness
CHAPTER 10 Language
CHAPTER 11 Intelligence and Thinking
CHAPTER 12 Life-Span Development
CHAPTER 13 Motivation, Emotions, and Health
CHAPTER 14 Personality
CHAPTER 15 Social Psychology
CHAPTER 16 The Nature and Causes of Psychological Disorders
CHAPTER 17 The Treatment of Psychological Disorders
1. The Science of Psychology
What Is Psychology?
Why Behavior is Studied
Fields of Psychology
The Growth of Psychology as a Science
Philosophical Roots of Psychology
Biological Roots of Psychology
FOCUS ON: How Scientific is Psychology, Really?
Applications in Education and Therapy
FOCUS ON: What Are the Roots of Psychology Within Chinese Culture?
Major Trends in the Development of Psychology
Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory
Psychology in Transition
Humanistic Psychology
Reaction Against Behavior: The Emphasis on Cognition
Reaction Against Behavior: The Emphasis on Neurobiology
2. The Ways and Means of Psychology
The Scientific Method in Psychology
Types of Research
Identifying the Problem: Getting an Idea for Research
Designing an Experiment
Performing an Experiment
FOCUS ON: Response Bias in Different Cultures
Performing a Correlational Study
Reporting and Generalizing a Study
FOCUS ON: Cross-Cultural Research
Research with Human Participants
Research with Animals
Understanding Research Results
Descriptive Statistics: What Are the Results?
Inferential Statistics: Distinguishing Chance From Significance
FOCUS ON: Alternative Methods
3. Evolution, Heredity, and Behavior
The Development of Evolutionary Science
The Voyage of the Beagle
The Origin of Species
Discovering the Mechanisms of Heredity
The Three Components of Evolution through Natural Selection
Evolution of Humans
Human Origins
Heredity, Genetics, and Evolution
Basic Principles of Genetics
Chromosomes and Meiosis
FOCUS ON: Frontiers in Evolutionary Research
Dominant and Recessive Traits
Importance of Genetic Diversity
Sex-Linked Traits
Mutations and Chromosomal Aberrations
Genetic Disorders
Evolution and Human Behavior
Evolutionary Psychology
4. Biology of Behavior
The Brain and Its Components
Basic Structure of the Nervous System
Cells of the Nervous System
The Excitable Axon: The Action Potential
Communication with Other Cells: Synapses
Drugs and Behavior
Effects of Drugs on Synaptic Transmission
Neurotransmitters, their Actions, and Drugs that Affect Them
Study of the Brain
Experimental Ablation
Visualizing the Structure of the Brain
Measuring the Brain’s Activity
Stimulating the Brain’s Activity
Altering Genetics
FOCUS ON: The Ever-Changing Brain: Neural Plasticity and Neurogenesis
Control of Behavior and the Body’s Physiological Functions
Organization of the Cerebral Cortex
Lateralization of Function
Somatosensation and Spatial Perception
Planning and Moving
Episodic and Spatial Memory: Role of the Hippocampus
Emotions: Role of the Amygdala
Control of Internal Functions and Automatic Behavior
5. Learning and Behavior
How Learning is Studied
Pavlov’s Procedure
Thorndike’s Procedure
Comparison between Pavlov’s and Thorndike’s Procedures
Conditions Required For Learning
Temporal Contiguity
Behavioral Discrepancy
FOCUS ON: Insight-Can Basic Learning Procedures Help Understand Complex Behavior?
The Process of Learning
Stimulus Generalization
Stimulus Discrimination
Choice between Multiple Operants
FOCUS ON: Self-Control--How Does Conditioned Reinforcement Affect Self-Control?
Biological Basis of Reinforcement
Neural Systems of Reinforcement
Cellular Mechanisms of Reinforcement
Learning with Experience
Perceptual Learning
Instructional Control
Observational Learning
6. Sensation
Sensory Processing
Sensory Coding
The Eye and Its Functions
Transduction of Light by Photoreceptors
Adaptation to Light and Dark
Eye Movements
Color Vision
The Ear and Its Functions
Detecting and Localizing Sounds in the Environment
FOCUS ON: The Deaf Community
The Chemical Senses
FOCUS ON: Sensory-Specific Satiety
The Somatosenses
The Skin Senses
The Internal Senses
The Vestibular Senses
7. Perception
Brain Mechanisms of Visual Perception
The Primary Visual Cortex
The Visual Association Cortex
Visual Perception of Objects
Figure and Ground
Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization
Models of Pattern Perception
FOCUS ON: Does the Brain Work Like a Computer?
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing: The Roles of Features and Context
Perceptual ("What") and Action ("Where") Systems: A Possible Synthesis
Visual Perception of Space and Motion
Depth Perception
FOCUS ON: How Does Culture Affect Visual Perception?
Constancies of Visual Perception
Motion Perception
8. Memory
Overview of Memory
Sensory Memory
Iconic Memory
Echoic Memory
Short-Term or Working Memory
Encoding of Information in the Short-Term: Interaction with Long-Term Memory
Primacy and Recency Effects
The Limits of Working Memory
Varieties of Working Memory
Loss of Information from Short-Term Memory
Learning and Encoding in Long-Term Memory
The Consolidation Hypothesis
The Levels-of-Processing Approach
Improving Long-Term Memory through Mnemonics
The Organization of Long-Term Memory
Episodic and Semantic Memory
Explicit and Implicit Memory
The Biological Basis of Long-Term Memory
Remembering, Recollecting, and Forgetting
How Long Does Memory Last?
FOCUS ON: Cultural Contexts for Remembering
Remembering and Recolleting
Forgetting and Interference
Reconstruction: Remembering as a Creative Process
FOCUS ON: Some Sins of Memory
9. Consciousness
Consciousness as a Language-Development Phenomenon
The Adaptive Significance of Consciousness
Consciousness and the Ability to Communicate
Does Conscious Thought Control Behavior?
Selective Attention
Auditory Information
Visual Information
Brain Mechanisms of Selective Attention
Consciousness and the Brain
Isolation Aphasia: A Case of Global Unawareness
Visual Agnosia: Lack of Awareness of Visual Perceptions
The Split-Brain Syndrome
FOCUS ON: Embodied Consciousness and the Out-of-Body Experience
Hypnotic Induction and Suggestion
The Stages of Sleep
Functions of Sleep
Disorders of Sleep
Brain Mechanisms of Sleep
10. Language
Speech Comprehension and Production
Speech Recognition
Understanding the Meaning of Speech
Brain Mechanisms of Speech Production and Comprehension
Scanning of Text
Phonetic and Whole-Word Recognition: Evidence from Cognitive Neuroscience
Language Acquisition by Children
Language Acquisition Device
Recognition of Speech Sounds by Infants
The Prespeech Period and the First Words
The Two-Word Stage
How Adults Talk to Children
Acquisition of Adult Rules of Grammar
Acquisition of Meaning
The Role of Memory in Understanding the Meanings of Written Words and Sentences
FOCUS ON: Communication with Other Species
11. Intelligence and Thinking
Intelligence: Is It Global or Componential?
Spearman’s g Theory
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
FOCUS ON: Cultural Definitions of Intelligence
Intelligence Testing
Intelligence Tests
Reliability and Validity of Intelligence Tests
The Use and Abuse of Intelligence Tests
The Roles of Heredity and Environment
The Meaning of Heritability
Sources of Environmental and Genetic Effects during Development
A Sample of Results of Heritability Studies
FOCUS ON: The Issue of Race and Intelligence
Thinking and Problem Solving
Classification and Concept Formation
Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
Problem Solving
12. Life-Span Development
Prenatal Development
Stages of Prenatal Development
Threats to Normal Prenatal Development
Physical and Perceptual Development in Infancy and Childhood
Motor Development
Perceptual Development
Cognitive Development in Infancy and Childhood
The Importance of a Responsive Environment
The Work of Jean Piaget
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development
Applying Information-Processing Models to Cognitive Development
FOCUS ON: Cognitive Development and Television Viewing
Social Development in Infancy and Childhood
Behaviors of the Infant That Foster Attachment
The Nature and Quality of Attachment
Approaches to Child Rearing
Interactions with Peers
Development of Gender Roles
The Nature of Gender Differences
Moral Development
Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Evaluation of Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s Theories of Moral Development
Physical Development
Social Development
Cognitive Development
Adulthood and Old Age
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Social Development
13. Motivation, Emotions, and Health
What is Motivation?
Reinforcement and Motivation
Untoward Effects of Reinforcement: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
What Determines the Strength of Behavior?
What Determines the Persistence of Behavior?
What Starts a Meal?
What Stops a Meal?
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa
FOCUS ON: Eating Disorders in Other Cultures
Aggressive Behavior
Ethological Studies of Aggression
Hormones and Aggression
Environmental Variables that Affect Human Aggression
Sexual Behavior
Effects of Sex Hormones on Behavior
Sexual Orientation
Emotions as Response Patterns
Aggression, Moral Judgment, and Impulse Control
The Expression and Recognition of Emotions
The Social Nature of Emotional Expressions of Humans
The Universality of Emotional Expressions of Humans
Situations that Produce Emotions: The Role of Cognition
Feelings of Emotions
Stress and Health
The Biological Basis of Stress
Cognitive Appraisal and Stress
Behaviors Related to Stress and Impaired Health
Stress Reactions and CHD
Coping with Everyday Stress
Coping Styles and Strategies
14. Personality
Trait Theories of Personality
Personality Types and Traits
Identification of Personality Traits
Psychobiological Approaches
Heritability of Personality Traits
Brain Mechanisms in Personality
FOCUS ON: Gender Differences in Personality
Social Cognitive Approaches
Expectancies and Observational Learning
Reciprocal Determinism and Self-Efficacy
Personality Across Time
FOCUS ON: Traits versus Situations as Predictors of Behavior
Locus of Control
Positive Psychology
The Psychodynamic Approach
The Development of Freud’s Theory
Structures of the Mind: Id, Ego, and Superego
Defense Mechanisms
Freud’s Psychosexual Theory of Personality Development
Further Development of Freud’s Theory: The Neo-Freudians
Some Observations on Psychodynamic Theory and Research
The Humanistic Approach
Maslow and Self-Actualization
Rogers and Conditions of Worth
Some Observations on the Humanistic Approach
Assessment of Personality
Objective Tests of Personality
Projective Tests of Personality
Evaluation of Projective Tests
15. Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Impression Formation
The Self
Attributional Biases
Attribution, Heuristics, and Social Cognition
Attitudes: Their Formation and Change
Formation of Attitudes
Attitude Change and Persuasion
Cognitive Dissonance
Stereotypes and Prejudice
The Origins of Prejudice
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Hope for Change
Social Influences and Group Behavior
Social Facilitation
Social Loafing
Commitment and Compliance
Obedience to Authority
Group Decision Making
Resisting Social Influences
Interpersonal Attraction and Loving
Interpersonal Attraction
FOCUS ON: Arousal and Interpersonal Attraction
FOCUS ON: The Evolution of Love
16. The Nature and Causes of Psychological Disorders
Classification and Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders
What Is “Abnormal”?
Perspectives on the Causes of Psychological Disorders
The DSM-IV-TR Classification Scheme
Some Problems with DSM-IV-TR Classification
FOCUS ON: Clinical versus Actuarial Diagnosis
Disorders Usually Diagnosed in Childhood
Attention-Defifcit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Autistic Disorder
Substance-Related Disorders
Possible Causes
Types of Schizophrenia
Possible Causes
Mood Disorders
Possible Causes
Anxiety and Dissociative Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
FOCUS ON: Culture-Bound Syndromes
Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
17. The Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Psychological Disorders and Therapy
Early Treatment of Psychological Disorders
The Development of Treatment
Insight Therapies
Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapies
Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory
Humanistic Therapy
Evaluation of Insight Therapies
Behavior Therapies and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning
Maintaining Behavioral Change
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Evaluation of Behavior and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Group Therapies and Community Psychology
Family Therapy and Couples Therapy
Community Psychology
Evaluation of Family and Couples Therapy and Community Psychology
FOCUS ON: Cultural Belief Systems and Indigenous Healing Therapies
Biological Therapies
Drug Therapy
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Evaluation of Biological Treatments
FOCUS ON: Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy
The Relationship between Client and Therapist
Ethical Issues
Selecting a Therapist
Manual solution Psychology: The Science of Behavior, 7th Edition for sale , Psychology: The Science of Behavior, 7th Edition for sale , Psychology: The Science of Behavior, 7th Edition pdf for sale , Neil R. Carlson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Harold L. Miller, Jr., Brigham Young University Donald S. Heth, University of Alberta John W. Donahoe, University of Massachusetts, Amherst G. Neil Martin, Middlesex University
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