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Category : Higher Education
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Table of Contents
GO! Walkthrough
Windows 8
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Windows 8
Project 1A Getting to Know Windows 8
Objective 1 Use File Explorer and Desktop Apps to Create a New Folder and Save a File on a Removable Storage Device
Objective 2 Identify the Functions of the Windows 8 Operating System and Windows Store Apps
Objective 3 Use Windows Store Apps
Objective 4 Sign Out of Windows 8 and Turn Off Your Computer
Objective 5 Manage User Accounts
Project 1B Managing Files and Folders
Objective 6 Use File Explorer to Display Libraries, Folders, and Files
Objective 7 Start Programs and Open Data Files
Objective 8 Personalize Your Windows 8 Start Screen
Objective 9 Create, Rename, and Copy Files and Folders
Objective 10 Move and Delete Files and Folders
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Windows 8
GO! Think
Chapter 1 Introduction to Microsoft Office 2013 Features
Project 1A Note Form
Objective 1 Use File Explorer to Download, Extract, and Locate Files and Folders
Objective 2 Use Start Search to Locate and Start a Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop App
Objective 3 Enter, Edit, and Check the Spelling of Text in an Office 2013 Program
Objective 4 Perform Commands from a Dialog Box
Objective 5 Create a Folder and Name and Save a File
Objective 6 Insert a Footer, Add Document Properties, Print a File, and Close a Desktop App
Project 1B Memo
Objective 7 Open an Existing File and Save It with a New Name
Objective 8 Sign In to Office and Explore Options for a Microsoft Office Desktop App
Objective 9 Perform Commands from the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
Objective 10 Apply Formatting in Office Programs
Objective 11 Compress Files and Use the Microsoft Office 2013 Help System
Objective 12 Install Apps for Office and Create a Microsoft Account
Summary, GO! Learn It Online
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Word Introduction to Microsoft Word 2013
Chapter 1 Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2013
Project 1A Flyer
Objective 1 Create a New Document and Insert Text
Objective 2 Insert and Format Graphics
Objective 3 Insert and Modify Text Boxes and Shapes
Objective 4 Preview and Print a Document
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Flyer in Word Web App
Project 1B Information Handout
Objective 5 Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Objective 6 Create and Modify Lists
Objective 7 Set and Modify Tab Stops
Objective 8 Insert a SmartArt Graphic and an Online Video
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Handout in the Word Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Word
GO! Think
Chapter 2 Using Tables and Templates to Create Resumes and Cover Letters
project 2A Resume
Objective 1 Create a Table
Objective 2 Format a Table
Objective 3 Present a Word Document Online
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Edit a Resume in Word Web App
Project 2B Cover Letter, Reference List, and Envelope
Objective 4 Create a Custom Word Template
Objective 5 Correct and Reorganize Text
Objective 6 Use the Proofing Options and Print an Envelope
Objective 7 Create a Document Using a Predesigned Microsoft Template
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Table in Word Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Word
GO! Think
Chapter 3 Creating Research Papers, Newsletters, and Merged Mailing Labels
Project 3A Research Paper
Objective 1 Create a Research Paper
Objective 2 Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
Objective 3 Create Citations and a Bibliography in a Research Paper
Objective 4 Use Read Mode and PDF Reflow
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Insert a Link and Highlight Text in a Word Web App Document
Project 3B Newsletter with Mailing Labels
Objective 5 Format a Multiple-Column Newsletter
Objective 6 Use Special Character and Paragraph Formatting
Objective 7 Create Mailing Labels Using Mail Merge
GO! with Office Web Apps.
Objective Format a Single-Column Newsletter in Word Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365Activity Using a Team Site to Collaborate
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Word
GO! Think
Excel Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013
Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data
Project 1A Sales Report with Embedded Column Chart and Sparklines
Objective 1 Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
Objective 2 Enter Data in a Worksheet
Objective 3 Construct and Copy Formulas and Use the SUM Function
Objective 4 Format Cells with Merge & Center, Cell Styles, and Themes
Objective 5 Chart Data to Create a Column Chart and Insert Sparklines
Objective 6 Print a Worksheet, Display Formulas, and Close Excel
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Sales Report with an Embedded Column Chart Using the Excel Web App
Project 1B Inventory Valuation
Objective 7 Check Spelling in a Worksheet
Objective 8 Enter Data by Range
Objective 9 Construct Formulas for Mathematical Operations
Objective 10 Edit Values in a Worksheet
Objective 11 Format a Worksheet
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Calculate the Value of an Inventory in the Excel Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Excel
GO! Think
Chapter 2 Using Functions, Creating Tables, and Managing Large Workbooks
Project 2A Inventory Status Report
Objective 1 Use Flash Fill and the Sum, Average, Median, Min, and Max Functions
Objective 2 Move Data, Resolve Error Messages, and Rotate Text
Objective 3 Use COUNTIF and IF Functions and Apply Conditional Formatting
Objective 4 Use Date & Time Functions and Freeze Panes
Objective 5 Create, Sort, and Filter an Excel Table
Objective 6 View, Format, and Print a Large Worksheet
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Sort, Filter, and Use Functions in a Table in Excel Web App
Project 2B Weekly Sales Summary
Objective 7 Navigate a Workbook and Rename Worksheets
Objective 8 Enter Dates, Clear Contents, and Clear Formats
Objective 9 Copy and Paste by Using the Paste Options Gallery
Objective 10 Edit and Format Multiple Worksheets at the Same Time
Objective 11 Create a Summary Sheet with Column Sparklines
Objective 12 Format and Print Multiple Worksheets in a Workbook
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Summarize the Data on Multiple Worksheets in Excel Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Excel
GO! Think
Chapter 3 Analyzing Data with Pie Charts, Line Charts, and What-If Analysis Tools
Project 3A Enterprise Fund Pie Chart
Objective 1 Chart Data with a Pie Chart
Objective 2 Format a Pie Chart
Objective 3 Edit a Workbook and Update a Chart
Objective 4 Use Goal Seek to Perform What-If Analysis
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Jpeg Photo of a Chart and Upload to a OneNote Web App Notebook
Project 3B Tourism Spending Projection with Line Chart
Objective 5 Design a Worksheet for What-If Analysis
Objective 6 Answer What-If Questions by Changing Values in a Worksheet
Objective 7 Chart Data with a Line Chart
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Convert an Excel Worksheet to a Google Docs Spreadsheet with a Chart
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Excel
GO! Think
Access Introduction to Microsoft Access 2013
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Microsoft Access 2013
Project 1A Student Advising Database with Two Tables
Objective 1 Identify Good Database Design
Objective 2 Create a Table and Define Fields in a Blank Desktop Database
Objective 3 Change the Structure of Tables and Add a Second Table
Objective 4 Create a Query, Form, and Report 510
Objective 5 Close a Database and Exit Access 516
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Table to an Excel Spreadsheet, Save to SkyDrive, Edit a Record, and Save to Your Computer
Project 1B Student Workshops Database
Objective 6 Use a Template to Create a Database
Objective 7 Organize Objects in the Navigation Pane
Objective 8 Create a New Table in a Database Created with a Template
Objective 9 Print a Report and a Table
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Table to an Excel Spreadsheet, Save to Google Drive, Add a Record, and Save to Your Computer
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Access
GO! Think
Chapter 2 Sort and Query a Database
Project 2A Instructors and Courses Database
Objective 1 Open and Save an Existing Database
Objective 2 Create Table Relationships
Objective 3 Sort Records in a Table
Objective 4 Create a Query in Design View
Objective 5 Create a New Query from an Existing Query
Objective 6 Sort Query Results
Objective 7 Specify Criteria in a Query
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Query to a PDF File, Save to SkyDrive, and Add a Description to the PDF File
Project 2B Athletic Scholarships Database
Objective 8 Specify Numeric Criteria in a Query
Objective 9 Use Compound Criteria in a Query
Objective 10 Create a Query Based on More Than One Table
Objective 11 Use Wildcards in a Query
Objective 12 Create Calculated Fields in a Query
Objective 13 Calculate Statistics and Group Data in a Query
Objective 14 Create a Crosstab Query
Objective 15 Create a Parameter Query
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Query to a PDF File, Save the PDF File to Google Drive, and Share the File
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Activity Sharing Calendars
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Access
GO! Think
Chapter 3 Forms, Filters, and Reports
Project 3A Students and Majors Database
Objective 1 Create and Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
Objective 2 Filter Records
Objective 3 Create a Form by Using the Form Wizard
Objective 4 Modify a Form in Layout View and in Design View
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Form to an Excel Spreadsheet, Save to SkyDrive, Edit a Record, and Save to Your Computer
Project 3B Job Openings Database
Objective 5 Create a Report by Using the Report Tool and Modify the Report in Layout View
Objective 6 Create a Report by Using the Report Wizard
Objective 7 Modify the Design of a Report
Objective 8 Keep Grouped Data Together in a Printed Report
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Export an Access Report to a Word File, Save to SkyDrive, and Add a Description to the Word File
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering Access
GO! Think
PowerPoint Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Microsoft PowerPoint
Project 1A Company Overview
Objective 1 Create a New Presentation
Objective 2 Edit a Presentation in Normal View
Objective 3 Add Pictures to a Presentation
Objective 4 Print and View a Presentation
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create a Company Overview Presentation in the PowerPoint Web App
Project 1B Itinerary Presentation
Objective 5 Edit an Existing Presentation
Objective 6 Format a Presentation
Objective 7 Use Slide Sorter View
Objective 8 Apply Slide Transitions
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create an Itinerary Presentation in the PowerPoint Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering PowerPoint
GO! Think
Chapter 2 Formatting PowerPoint Presentations
Project 2A Employee Training Presentation
Objective 1 Format Numbered and Bulleted Lists
Objective 2 Insert Online Pictures
Objective 3 Insert Text Boxes and Shapes
Objective 4 Format Objects
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create an Informational Presentation in the PowerPoint Web App 796
Project 2B Event Announcement
Objective 5 Remove Picture Backgrounds and Insert WordArt
Objective 6 Create and Format a SmartArt Graphic
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create an Advertisement Presentation in the PowerPoint Web App
GO! with Microsoft Office 365
Summary, GO! Learn It Online, GO! For Job Success
Guide to Chapter Assessments
Skills Review
Mastering PowerPoint
GO! Think
Chapter 3 Enhancing a Presentation with Animation, Video, Tables, and Charts
Project 3A Informational Presentation
Objective 1 Customize Slide Backgrounds and Themes
Objective 2 Animate a Slide Show
Objective 3 Insert a Video
GO! with Office Web Apps
Objective Create an Informational Presentation in the PowerPoint Web App
Project 3B Summary and Analysis Presentation
Objective 4 Create and Modify Tables
Objective 5 Create and Modify Charts
Integrated Projects |
Chapter 1 Integrating Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint |
Project 1A State Sales |
Objective 1 Export Access Data to Excel |
Objective 2 Create an Excel Worksheet from a Word Table |
Objective 3 Copy and Paste an Excel Chart into Other Programs |
Objective 4 Copy and Paste an Object from PowerPoint into Excel |
Project 1B Taos Welcome |
Objective 5 Link Excel Data to a Word Document |
Objective 6 Modify Linked Data and Update Links |
Objective 7 Create a Table in Word from Access Data |
Objective 8 Use Access Data to Complete a Mail Merge in Word |
Manual solution GO! with Office 2013 Volume 1 (Subscription) for sale , GO! with Office 2013 Volume 1 (Subscription) for sale , GO! with Office 2013 Volume 1 (Subscription) pdf for sale , Shelley Gaskin, Pasadena City College Alicia Vargas, Pasadena City College Carolyn McLellan, Tidewater Community College
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