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- Digital file of Business Statistics: First Course and Student CD, 4th Edition for sale
Category : Higher Education
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1. Introduction and Data Collection Basic Concepts of Statistics. The Growth of Statistics and Information Technology. How This Text Is Organized The Importance of Collecting Data. Identifying Sources of Data. Types of Data. 2. Presenting Data in Tables and Charts Tables and Charts for Categorical Data. Tables and Charts for Numerical Data. Cross Tabulations. Scatter Diagrams and Time Series Plots. Misusing Graphs and Ethical Issues Measures of Central Tendency, Variation, and Shape. Obtaining Descriptive Summary Measures from a Population. Exploratory Data Analysis. The Covariance and the Coefficient of Correlation. Pitfalls in Numerical Descriptive Measures and Ethical Issues. Basic Probability Concepts. Conditional Probability. Bayes’ Theorem. Counting Rules. Ethical Issues and Probability. 5. Some Important Discrete Probability Distributions Plumbing Company The Probability Distribution for a Discrete Random Variable. Binomial Distribution. Poisson Distribution. (CD-ROM Topic) The Hypergeometric Distribution. 6. The Normal Distribution and Other Continuous Distributions The Normal Distribution. Evaluating the Normality Assumption. The Uniform Distribution. The Exponential Distribution. 7. Sampling Distributions Sampling Distribution of the Mean. Sampling Distribution of the Proportion. Types of Survey Sampling Methods. Evaluating Survey Worthiness. 8. Confidence Interval Estimation Confidence Interval Estimation of the Mean (s Known). Confidence Interval Estimation of the Mean (s Unknown). Confidence Interval Estimation for the Proportion. Determining Sample Size. Confidence Interval Estimation and Ethical Issues. 9. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis-Testing Methodology. Z Test of Hypothesis for the Mean (s Known). One-Tailed Tests. t Test of Hypothesis for the Mean (s Unknown). Z Test of Hypothesis for the Proportion. Potential Hypothesis-Testing Pitfalls and Ethical Issues. 10. Two Sample Tests using the Normal and t Distributions Displays Comparing Two Independent Samples: Tests for Differences in Two Means. Comparing Two Related Samples: Tests for the Mean Difference. Z Test for the Difference between Two Proportions. 11. Chi-Square Tests and F Tests Chi-Square Test for Differences between Two Proportions. Chi-Square Test for Differences in Among More than Two Proportions. Chi-Square Test of Independence. Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Tests. F Test for Differences in Two Variances. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Correlation and Simple Linear Regression. Determining the Simple Linear Regression Equation. Measures of Variation. Model Assumptions and Residual Analysis. Measuring Autocorrelation: The Durbin-Watson Statistic. Inferences Concerning the Slope. Estimation of Mean Values and Prediction of Individual Values. Pitfalls in Regression and Ethical Issues. Computations in Simple Linear Regression. 13. Multiple Regression Developing the Multiple Regression Model. R2, adjusted R2, and the Overall F test. Model Assumptions and Residual Analysis. Inferences Concerning the Population Regression Coefficients. Using Dummy-Variables and Interaction Terms in Regression Models. The Quadratic Regression Model. Collinearity. Model Building. Pitfalls in Multiple Regression and Ethical Issues. 14. Statistical Applications in Quality and Productivity Management Using Statistics: Service Quality at the Beachcomber Hotel Total Quality Management. Six Sigma® Management. The Theory of Control Charts. Control Chart for the Proportion of Nonconforming Items–The p Chart. The Red Bead Experiment: Understanding Process Variability. Control Charts for the Range and the Mean. Answers to Self — Test Problems Answers to Even-Numbered Problems Appendices Index CD-ROM TOPICS Chapter Sections Table of Contents
Using Statistics: Good Tunes
Using Statistics: Comparing the Performance of Mutual Funds
3. Numerical Descriptive Measures
Using Statistics: Comparing the Performance of Mutual Funds
4. Basic Probability
Using Statistics: The Consumer Electronics Company
Using Statistics: The Accounting Information System of the Saxon
Using Statistics: Download Time for a Web Site Home Page
Using Statistics: The Oxford Cereal Company Packaging Process
Using Statistics: Auditing Invoices at the Saxon Plumbing Company
Using Statistics: The Oxford Cereal Company Packaging Process
Using Statistics: Comparing Sales from End-Aisle Displays and Normal
Using Statistics: Guest satisfaction at T. C. Resort Properties
12. Simple Linear Regression
Using Statistics: Forecasting Sales at the Sunflowers Clothing Stores
Using Statistics: Predicting OmniPower Sales
Manual solution Business Statistics: First Course and Student CD, 4th Edition for sale , Business Statistics: First Course and Student CD, 4th Edition for sale , Business Statistics: First Course and Student CD, 4th Edition pdf for sale , David M. Levine, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, City University of New York
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