jeudi 7 février 2019

Manual solution Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition for sale

Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition

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  • Digital file of Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition for sale

Category : Higher Education

Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition by Mary Lynch Kennedy, State University of New York at Cortland William J. Kennedy, Cornell University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Table of Contents

Brief Contents






Part I: Reading and Writing in the Academic Disciplines


Chapter 1: Active Critical Reading

            Academic Reading-Writing Process

            Conversation with the Texts

            Active Critical Reading

                        Keeping a Writer’s Notebook


                        Preview the Text and Ask Questions that Will Help You Set Goals for Close Reading

                        Use Freewriting and Brainstorming to Recall Your Prior Knowledge and Express Your Feelings about the Reading


            Close Reading

                        Mark, Annotate, and Elaborate on the Text

                        Take Effective Notes

                        Pose and Answer Questions about the Text

            Reading for Genre, Organization, and Stylistic Features



                        Stylistic Features

            Rhetorical Context of Text

                        Rhetorical Context of Your Reading

            Analyze Writing Assignments



Chapter 2: Responses, Paraphrases, Summaries, and Quotations

            Write an Informal Response

            Convert Informal Response to Response Essay




            Altering Quotations

            Weaving Quotations into Your Essay


Chapter 3: Critical Analysis

Part I: Critical Analysis

            Focus of the Chapter

            Adopting a Questioning Frame of Mind

            Types of Analyses You Will Be Asked to Write

            Importance of Genre Knowledge

            Approaches to Analysis

            Purpose of Critical Analysis

            Critical Analysis and the Academic Conversation

            *Examination of “Dry Your Eyes: Examining the Role of Robots for Childcare Applications,” by David Feil-Seifer and Maja

                J. Mataric’s Critical Analysis  of Noel Sharkey and Amanda Sharkey’s, “The Crying Shame of Robot Nannies: An

                Ethical Appraisal”

Part II: Writing a Critical Analysis: A Detailed Demonstration of Reading-Writing Process

            Critical Reading



            Revising the Preliminary Draft


            Student’s Critical Analysis Essay: Final Draft


Chapter 4: Literary Analysis and Comparative Analysis

            Literary Analysis

                        Process of Writing a Literary Analysis

            Comparative Analysis

                        Incorporate Comparative Analysis into Longer Essays

                        Stand-Alone Comparative Analysis of Texts

                        Process of Writing a Comparative Analysis of Texts

                        Sample Comparative Analysis Essay

            A Brief Word About Other Types of Analysis Essays

                        Rhetorical Analysis

                        Process Analysis

                        Casual Analysis


Chapter 5: Visual Analysis

            Principles of Visual Analysis

            Portfolio of Photographs

            Overview of Visual Analysis

            Process of Writing a Visual Analysis Essay


                        Viewing for Content

                        Viewing for Genre, Organization, and Stylistic Features

                        Viewing for Rhetorical Context


Chapter 6: Synthesis

            Analysis and Synthesis

            Process of Writing Synthesis Essays

                        Examine the Assignment

                        Determine Your Rhetorical Purpose: Purposes for Synthesizing Sources

                        Ask Questions to Identify Relationships among the Sources

                        Formulate a Thesis and Review the Texts

            Process of Writing an Exploratory Synthesis

                        Decide on Rhetorical Purpose

                        Formulate Working Thesis

            Process of Writing a Literature Review

                        *Examination of “Adolescents’ Expressed Meanings of Music In and Out of School”: Patricia Shehard Campbell, Claire Connell, and Amy Beegle’s Literature Review

                        Organize the Literature Review to Focus on Ideas Rather than Sources

            Process of Writing a Thesis-Driven Synthesis

                        Support Thesis with Evidence

                        Examination of Student’s Thesis-Drive Synthesis

            Revising Synthesis Essays


Chapter 7: Argument

            Nature of Academic Argument

                        Argument in a Broad Sense and Argument in a Specialized Sense

                        Specialized Argument Expressed as Statement vs. Specialized Argument Synthesized with Sources

            Developing Support for Arguments

            Joining the Academic Conversation

            *Examination of “Predators or Plowshares? Arms Control of Robotic Weapons,” Robert Sparrow’s Argument Synthesis

            Process of Writing an Argument Synthesis Essay

                        Differentiate Between Issues and Topics

                        Differentiate Between Claims and Evidence

                        Differentiate Between Opinions and Reasons

                        Probe Both Sides of the Issue

                        Question the Reading Sources

                        State Your Claim

                        Support Reasons with Evidence from Reading Sources

                        Acknowledge and Respond to Competing Claims

            Illustration of Student’s Process in Writing an Argument Synthesis Essay

                        Consider Audience

                        Determine Issue, Thesis, and Competing Positions

                        Organize Argument Synthesis Essays

                        Acknowledge and Respond to Alternative views in Separate, Self-Contained Sections

                        Acknowledge and respond to Objections in a Point-by-Point Fashion

                        Revising and Editing


Chapter 8: Writing Research Papers

            The Research Paper: An Introduction

            Identify a Research Topic: The Role of the Assignment

            Illustration of a Student’s Process of Writing a Research Paper

                        Select a Research Topic

                        Develop a Research Strategy

                        Set a Schedule

                        Brainstorm a Preliminary Search Vocabulary

                        Determine How You Will Find the Sources

            Locate Sources in an Academic Library

                        Use Catalogues to Find Books

                        Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

                        Library of Congress and OCLC World Cat

                        Bibliographic Details for Electronic Sources

                        A Word About Electronic Retrieval Systems

                        Types of Searches

            Conduct Research on the World Wide Web

                        Advantages and Disadvantages of the Web

                        Advantages of College Libraries

                        Find Digital Resources on the Web

                        How to Increase the Precision of Your Web Search

            Evaluate What You Find

                        Which Articles Are the Most Important

                        How to Evaluate Web Sources

                        Evaluate Information Sources

            Collect Information on Your Own

            Modify Your Search Strategy

            Excerpt Information from Sources and Cite What You Find Using a Standard Format

            Formulate a Working Thesis

            Planning the Research Paper

                        Select an Organizational Plan


                        Write from Your Outline



Part II: An Anthology of Readings


Natural Sciences and Technology

Chapter 9: Who Owns Your Body?

            *“Who Owns Your Body Parts?” by Kerry Howley

            *“Donors Have No Rights to Donated Tissue” by Kristine E. Schleiter, JD, LLM

            *“The Trouble with Organ Trafficking,” by Arthur Caplan

            *“Why We Need a Market for Human Organs,” by Sally Satel

            *“The Gendered Language of Gamete ‘Donation’,” by Caroline Rubin  


Chapter 10: Human/Machine Interaction

            *“Humanoid and Android Science,” by Hiroshi Ishiguro and Minoru Asada

            *“Looking Forward to Sociable Robots,” by Glenda Shaw-Garlock

            *“The Ethical Frontier of Robotics,” by Noel Sharkey

            *“The Way Forward in the World of Robotics,” Kenneth W. Goodman and Norman G. Einspruch


Chapter 11: Privacy and Technology    

            *“I Just Called to Say I Love You,” by Jonathan Franzen

            “Kyllo v. United States: Technology v. Individual Privacy,” by Thomas Colbridge

            *“The Anonymity Experiment,” by Catherine Price

            “Trading Liberties for Illusions,” by Wendy Kaminer

            *“If Looks Could Kill,” The Economist


Social Sciences

Chapter 12: The Changing American Family

            “What Is a Family,” by Pauline Irit Erera

            “Children of Gay Fathers,” by Robert L. Barret and Bryan E. Robinson

            “Cohabitation Instead of Marriage,” by James Q. Wilson

            *“The Origins of the Ambivalent Acceptance of Divorce,” by Andrew J. Oberlin

            “Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk about the Unmarried Men?” by Rebecca M. Blank

            *“The Ballad of a Single Mother,” by Lynn Olcott


Chapter 13: Social Class and Inequality

            “Born Poor and Smart,” by Angela Locke

            *“Culture of Success,” by Brink Lindsey

            “The War Against the Poor Instead of Programs to End Poverty,” by Herbert J.  Gans

            *“The Inequality Challenge,” by Matt Yglesias

            “Serving in Florida,” by Barbara Ehrenreich

            “Middle of the Class,” The Economist

            “When Shelter Feels Like a Prison,” by Charmion Browne



Chapter 14: Rock Music and Cultural Values

            “Toward an Aesthetic of Popular Music,” by Simon Frith

            *“Music and Morality,” by Roger Scruton

            “Redeeming the Rap Experience,” Venise Berry

            *“Digital Music: You Are What You Listen To,” by Lane Jennings

            *“Of Ipods and Dirty Underwear,” by James Rosen


Chapter 15: Stories of Ethnic Difference

            “A Different Mirror,” by Ronald Takaki

            “Jasmine,” by Bharati Mukherjee

            “Snapshots,” by Helena Maria Viramontes

            “Between the Pool and the Gardenias,” Edwidge Danticat

            “Bohemians,” by George Saunders


Chapter 16: Three Visual Portfolios

            Portfolio 1: Images of Families

            Portfolio 2: Images of Inequality

            Portfolio 3: Images of Ethnic Diversity


Appendix: Documenting Sources



Manual solution Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition for sale , Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition for sale , Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric Academic for Writers, 7th Edition pdf for sale , Mary Lynch Kennedy, State University of New York at Cortland William J. Kennedy, Cornell University

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