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- Digital file of Retracing the Past: Readings in the History of the American People, Volume II (Since 1865), 5th Edition for sale
Category : Higher Education
Retracing the Past: Readings in the History of the American People, Volume II (Since 1865), 5th Edition by Gary B. Nash, University of California, Los Angeles
Ronald B. Schultz, University of Wyoming ZIP OR PDF for sale
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Table of Contents
An * indicates a new selection. Each chapter concludes with “Glossary,” and “Implications.”
Introduction: Sources and Interpretations.
Chapter 1.
Past Traces: Jourdon Anderson, “To My Old Master” (1865).
Reading: Eric Foner, “African Americans in Public Office During the Era of Reconstruction.”
Chapter 2.
Past Traces: *Lee Chew, “Life of a Chinese Immigrant” (1903).
Reading: Jack Chen, “The Chinese Link a Continent and a Nation.”
Chapter 3.
Past Traces: *Lydia Allen Rudd, “Diary of a Westward Travel” (1852).
Reading: Christine Stansell,“Women on the Great Plains, 1865-1890.”
Chapter 4.
Past Traces: *The Omaha Platform of the People's Party” (1892).
Reading: *Bruce Palmer, “The Southern Populist Critique of American Capitalism.”
Chapter 5.
Past Traces: *Horatio Alger, Jr., “Bound to Rise, Or, Up the Ladder” (1900).
Reading: Carol Nackenoff, “Of Factories and Failures: Exploring the Invisible Factory Gates of Horatio Alger, Jr.”
Chapter 6.
Past Traces: *Red Cloud (1890) and Flying Hawk (1936) on Wounded Knee.
Reading: *Laura Jane Moore, “Lozen: An Apache Woman Warrior.”
Chapter 1.
Past Traces: *James T. Rapier, “The Agricultural Labor Force in the South” (1880).
Reading: Jacqueline Jones, “A Bridge of Bent Backs and Laboring Muscles: The Rural South, 1880-1915.”
Chapter 2.
Past Traces: *John Muir, “Mount Ritter” (1911).
Reading: Peter Wild, “John Muir: The Mysteries of Mountains.”
Chapter 3.
Past Traces: *Herbert Croly, “Progressive Democracy” (1914).
Reading: Jeffrey P. Moran, “Modernism Gone Mad: Sex Education Comes to Chicago, 1913.”
Chapter 4.
Past Traces: *Advertisements (1925/1927).
Reading: Mary Murphy, “Messenger of the New Age: Station KGIR in Butte.”
Chapter 5.
Past Traces: *Meridel LeSueur, “The Despair of Unemployed Women” (1932).
Reading: Edward R. Ellis, “What the Depression Did to People.”
Chapter 6.
Past Traces: *A. Philip Randolph, “Why Should We March?” (1942).
Reading: Mark H. Leff,“The Politics of Sacrifice on the Home Front in World War II.”
Chapter 1.
Past Traces: *Students for a Democratic Society, Port Huron Statement (1962).
Reading: Nils Kristian Bogen, “Rebels Without a Cause: Toward an Understanding of Anxious Youth in Postwar America.”
Chapter 2.
Past Traces: *Ladies' Home Journal, “The Young Mothers of the 1950s” (1956).
Reading: Lynn Y. Weiner, “Reconstructing Motherhood: The La Leche League in Postwar America.”
Chapter 3.
Past Traces: *Restrictions at Levittown (Late 1940s)
Reading: Kenneth T. Jackson, “The Drive-In Culture of Contemporary America.”
Chapter 4.
Past Traces: *Lyndon B. Johnson, “Commencement Address at Howard University” (1965).
Reading: Allan J. Matusow, “The Vietnam War, the Liberals, and the Overthrow of LBJ.”
Chapter 5.
Past Traces: *Ione Malloy, “Southie Won't Go” (1975).
Reading: *Robin D. G. Kelley, “After Civil Rights: The African American Working and Middle Classes.”
Chapter 6.
Past Traces: *Patricia Morrisroe, “Yuppies-the New Class” (1985).
Reading: *Juliet B. Schor, “The Insidious Cycle of Work and Spend.”
Manual solution Retracing the Past: Readings in the History of the American People, Volume II (Since 1865), 5th Edition for sale , Retracing the Past: Readings in the History of the American People, Volume II (Since 1865), 5th Edition for sale , Retracing the Past: Readings in the History of the American People, Volume II (Since 1865), 5th Edition pdf for sale , Gary B. Nash, University of California, Los Angeles
Ronald B. Schultz, University of Wyoming
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