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Brief Table of Contents 1 English Learners in 21st-Century Classrooms 2 Language and Language Acquisition 3 Classroom Practices for Effective English Learner Instruction 4 The New Literacies and English Learners 5 Oral English Development in Second Language Acquisition 6 First Steps to Literacy: English Learners Beginning to Write and Read 7 Words and Meanings: English Learners’ Vocabulary Development 8 English Learners and Process Writing 9 Reading and Literature Instruction for English Learners 10 Content Reading and Writing: Prereading and During Reading 11 Content Reading and Writing: Postreading Strategies for Organizing and Remembering Detailed Table of Contents Preface xviii 1 English Learners in 21st-Century Classrooms 2 Who Are English Learners and How Can I Get to Know Them? 5 Learning about Your Students’ Languages and Cultures 7 Getting Basic Information When a New Student Arrives 7 Classroom Activities That Help You Get to Know Your Students 9 How Do Cultural Differences Affect Teaching and Learning? 11 Definitions of Culture 12 Who Am I in the Lives of My Students? 12 Becoming an Effective Participant—Observer in Your Own Classroom 13 Sociocultural Factors Affecting Language Use in the Classroom 16 Culturally Related Responses to Classroom Organization 18 Literacy Traditions from Home and Community 19 How Can I Ease New Students into the Routines of My Classroom? 20 First Things First: Safety and Security 21 Creating a Sense of Belonging 21 How Do Current Policy Trends Affect English Learner Education? 22 Academic Standards and Assessment 23 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 23 English Language Development Standards and Assessment 25 Curriculum Standards, High-Stakes Testing, and “No Child Left Behind” 26 Socioeconomic Status: Predictor of Standardized Test Scores 27 Education Policy Specific to English Learners 28 Newer Technologies: Purposes, Policies, and Assessments 31 What Kinds of Programs Exist to Meet the Needs of English Learners? 32 English Learner Program Models 33 Research on Bilingual and ESL Programs Serving English Learners 35 Summary 37 Internet Resources 38 Activities 39 2 Language and Language Acquisition 40 How Have Language Proficiency and Communicative Competence Been Defined? 42 Language Use in Social Context: A Classroom Conversation 43 Bilingual Communicative Competence 46 Figurative Language 47 What Is Academic Language? 48 Contrasting Social and Academic Language 49 Academic Language Qualities 49 Academic Language Functions 50 Academic Language Linguistic Features 51 The Role of Background Knowledge in Academic Language Use 53 How Does Language Relate to Power, Social Standing, and Identity? 54 Language as an Instrument and Symbol of Power 55 Language or Dialect? 55 How a Dialect Becomes the “Standard” Language 56 How Language Variety Affects the Power and Prestige of Its Users 57 The Role of a Standard Language 58 Misuse of the Term Dialect 59 What Theories Have Been Proposed to Explain Language Acquisition? 60 First Language Acquisition Theories 60 Behaviorist Theory 60 Innatist Theory 61 Interactionist Theory 62 Summary of First Language Acquisition Theories 63 Second Language Acquisition Theories 64 Behaviorist Perspective 65 Innatist Perspective 65 Krashen’s Five Hypotheses 66 Interactionist Perspective 68 Summary of Second Language Acquisition Theories 69 What Are Some Traits and Sequences in English Language Acquisition? 70 Interlanguage and Fossilization 70 Developmental Sequences in English Language Acquisition 71 What Factors Influence Second Language Development in School? 73 Social Context of the Language Learning Environment 73 Primary Language Development 75 Age and the Interplay of Sociocultural and Psychological Factors 77 Sociocultural Factors 77 Personality Factors 78 Cognitive Factors 78 Teacher Expectations and Learner Errors 79 Summary 81 Internet Resources 82 Activities 82 3 Classroom Practices for Effective English Learner Instruction 84 How Do Curriculum Standards Serve English Learners? 88 How Is Instruction Differentiated to Meet the Varied Needs of English Learners? 90 How Is Sheltered Instruction (SDAIE) Planned and Implemented? 92 A Science Example with Fourth-Graders 93 A Literature Example with Kindergartners 95 A Social Science Example with High School Students 96 Planning for Differentiated, Sheltered English Instruction/SDAIE 99 Response to Intervention (RTI) 102 How Does Group Work Facilitate Content and Language Learning? 104 Collaborative Groups 104 Cooperative Learning Methods 106 Phases of Cooperative Group Development 107 Jigsaw 108 How Does Thematic Instruction Promote Content and Language Learning? 109 Organizing Thematic Instruction 110 Meaning and Purpose 110 Building on Prior Knowledge 110 Integrated Opportunities to Use Oral and Written Language for Learning Purposes 111 Scaffolding for Support 111 Collaboration 111 Variety 111 Functional and Academic Literacy Uses in Thematic Instruction 113 Creating Variety in Language and Literacy Uses 114 Scaffolding 116 Routines as Scaffolds 116 Literacy Scaffolds for English Learners 117 How Are English Learners Assessed? 119 Definition and Purposes of English Learner Assessment 119 Basic Concepts and Terms Used in Assessment 119 Identification and Placement of Students Needing Language Education Support Services 121 Re-Designation to Fully English Proficient 122 Limitations of Standardized Language Proficiency Tests 122 Program Evaluation 123 Principles of Classroom-Based Assessment 124 Keeping Cultural Considerations in Mind 125 Planning Systematic, Classroom-Based Assessment 125 Summary 126 Internet Resources 127 Activities 128 4 The New Literacies and English Learners 130 What Are the New Literacies for 21st-Century Technologies? 134 How Can We Help Students Use the Internet Effectively and Safely? 137 Comparing Online Reading and Traditional Reading 137 The Importance of Safe, Responsible, and Ethical Internet Use 139 Helping Students Evaluate Websites: Bias, Reliability, and Accuracy 139 How Can Teachers Use Technology to Differentiate Instruction for English Learners? 140 How May Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Be Used for Academic Learning? 143 Using Web 1.0 for Classroom Learning 143 Scavenger Hunts 144 WebQuests 144 Individual and Group Research Projects 144 Using Web 2.0 for Classroom Learning 145 Blogs 146 Classroom Uses of Blogs 146 Wikis 148 Classroom Uses of Wikis 149 Podcasts and Videos 151 Classroom Uses of Podcasts and Videos 151 Social Networking 153 Classroom Sites Where You Can Restrict Access 153 Why and How You Might Use Social Networking in the Classroom 154 Teacher Networking Sites 155 What Are Some Additional Tools and Resources for Teachers? 155 RSS: Keeping Track of New Information on Your Favorite Sites 155 A Glimpse of the Future 156 Summary 157 Internet Resources 157 Activities 158 5 Oral English Development in Second Language Acquisition 160 Why Is an Integrated Approach to English Language Arts Important? 162 Functional Integration of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing 162 Developmental Relationships among Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing 163 Oral Language in Perspective 165 Form, Function, and Social Context in Oral Language Use 166 What Traits Describe the Oral Proficiency of Beginning and Intermediate English Learners? 168 Second Language Oral Proficiency of Beginning English Learners 168 Second Language Oral Proficiency of Intermediate English Learners 170 What Are Some Strategies That Promote Oral Language Development? 172 Using Games for English Language Development 173 Podcasts to Enhance English Learning in Your Classroom 174 Songs 174 Drama 174 Dramatizing Poetry 175 Show and Tell 175 One Looks, One Doesn’t 176 Recording Students’ Re-Creations of Wordless Book Stories 177 Recording and Dubbing a Television Show 178 Choral Reading 178 Riddles and Jokes 179 What Are Some Academic Language Features of Oral Instruction in Math, Science, and Social Studies? 179 Academic Language Features of Mathematics 180 Academic Language Features of Science 181 Academic Language Features of Social Studies 182 Facilitating Oral Language Development during Academic Instruction 183 Teacher Talk during Academic Instruction 183 Scaffolding Student Use of Oral Language for Academic Purposes 183 How May We Assess English Learners’ Oral Language Competence? 185 The Student Oral Language Observation Matrix 185 Example of a SOLOM Observation and Scoring 187 Instructional Implications Based on Solom Scoring 190 Checklists and Anecdotal Observations 190 How May Content Instruction Be Differentiated to Promote Oral Language Development? 193 Summary 196 Internet Resources 196 Activities 197 6 First Steps to Literacy: English Learners Beginning to Write and Read 198 What Does Research Tell Us about Early Literacy Development? 202 Historical Overview of Early Literacy Instruction 204 Reading Readiness Perspective 204 Emergent Literacy Perspective 205 Balanced Comprehensive Literacy Perspective 206 Early Literacy Development in English as a Non-Native Language 207 Whole-Part-Whole Cycle for English Learners of All Ages 207 Special Needs of Older, Preliterate Learners 208 New Literacies and English Language Learners 210 Which Print Functions and Forms Are Acquired during Early Literacy Development? 210 Highlighting Literacy Functions in Your Classroom 211 Print Concepts Children Develop in the Emergent Literacy Phase 211 Exploring the Visual Form of Written Language 214 Alphabetic Writing Systems: Connecting Sounds and Symbols 215 Invented Spelling: Working Out Sound/Symbol Correspondences 217 How May Family and Community Nurture Early Literacy Development? 219 Family Practices That Promote Literacy Development 220 Family Literacy Programs 222 Promoting Parent Involvement in English Learners’ Schooling 224 Making Parent Involvement a School-Wide Goal 224 Taking School Activities Home 224 Which Classroom Strategies Promote Early Literacy Development? 225 Early Literacy Goals 225 Creating a Literacy-Rich Classroom Environment 226 Books, Books, Books! 226 Using Daily Routines to Highlight the Forms and Functions of Print 229 Morning Message 229 Classroom Rules and Procedures 229 Wall Dictionary 229 Reading Aloud to Students 230 Shared Writing and Reading Using the Language Experience Approach 232 Dialogue Journals 233 Helping Students Recognize and Spell Words Independently 233 Using Big Books to Teach Sight Words and Phonics 233 Strategies to Increase Students’ Sight Word Vocabulary 234 Phonics 235 Word Families 236 Invented Spelling and Word Recognition 238 Developmental Levels in Student Spelling 238 Summary of Early Literacy Instructional Strategies 242 How May English Learners’ Early Literacy Development Be Assessed? 243 How May Early Literacy Instruction Be Differentiated for English Learners? 244 Summary 247 Internet Resources 247 Activities 248 7 Words and Meanings: English Learners’ Vocabulary Development 250 What Does Research Show about English Learners’ Vocabulary Development? 252 What Kinds of Words Do Students Need to Know? 256 How Do Students Learn New Words? 258 How Do We Differentiate Vocabulary Assessment and Instruction? 263 English Language Proficiency Considerations 263 Primary Language Proficiency Considerations 264 Vocabulary Assessment Prior to Instruction 265 Planning Differentiated Vocabulary Instruction 266 Fifth-Grade Science Lesson: Differentiated Instruction 266 Dictionaries as a Resource for Differentiating Instruction 267 Picture Dictionaries 268 Bilingual Dictionaries 269 Monolingual Language Learner Dictionaries 269 What Are Some Beginning and Intermediate English Learner Characteristics and Teaching Strategies? 269 Beginning English Learner Characteristics and Teaching Strategies 270 Total Physical Response (TPR) 270 Web Tools for Learning Vocabulary 271 Read-Alouds 272 Word Cards 272 Word Wall Dictionary 272 Working with Idioms 273 Intermediate English Learner Characteristics and Teaching Strategies 274 Word Wheels 274 Language Wheels for Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, and Cognates 274 Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy 275 Word Wizard 275 Contextual Redefinition 276 List—Group—Label—Map for Elementary and Secondary Students 277 List 277 Group 277 Label 277 Vocabulary Journals 278 Teaching Students How to Use Dictionaries Effectively 278 Teaching Prefixes and Suffixes 279 Word Learning Strategies Older Students Found Useful 281 How Do We Assess ELs’ Vocabulary Progress? 282 Summary 282 Internet Resources 283 Activities 284 8 English Learners and Process Writing 286 What Does Research Tell Us about Writing in a Second Language? 289 What Is Process Writing and How Does It Benefit English Learners? 290 Students’ Responses to “I Remember” 293 How Does Process Writing Benefit English Learners? 295 What Are the Six Traits of Good Writing and How Can They Help English Learners? 295 Using Webtools with Process Writing: Blogs and Wikis 299 What Are Some Collaborative Contexts for Process Writing? 299 Peer Response Groups 300 A Sixth-Grade Class Works in Response Groups 303 Peer Editing Groups 304 Publishing Student Writing 305 What Are Some Beginning and Intermediate English Learner Characteristics and Teaching Strategies? 306 Description of Beginning Writers 307 Strategies to Assist Beginning Writers 308 Oral Discussion and Brainstorming Ideas 309 Partner Stories Using Pictures and Wordless Books 309 Concept Books: Creating a Teaching Library 310 Peek-a-Boo Books for Younger Students and Riddle Books for Older Students 310 Pattern Poems for Elementary and Secondary School Students 311 From Personal Journals to Dialogue Journals to Buddy Journals 311 Improvisational Sign Language 314 Life Murals 315 Clustering 315 Freewriting 316 Description of Intermediate Writers 317 Strategies for Intermediate Writers 319 Show and Not Tell 319 Sentence Combining 320 Sentence Shortening 321 Sentence Models 322 Student Examples of the Model 323 Voice 323 Mapping 324 How Can We Assess English Learners’ Writing Progress and Differentiate Instruction? 327 Portfolio Assessment 328 Balancing Goals: Fluency, Form, and Correctness 330 Balancing Instruction: Scaffolds, Models, and Direct Instruction 331 Helping Students Deal with Errors in Their Writing 331 Example of a Differentiated Lesson Plan for English Learners 333 Summary 335 Internet Resources 336 Activities 336 9 Reading and Literature Instruction for English Learners 338 What Does Research Tell Us about Reading in a Second Language? 341 Second Language Readers 342 What Role Does Background Knowledge Play in English Learners’ Reading Comprehension? 342 Reading Processes of Proficient Readers 343 What Is Metacognition? “Thinking about Thinking” 344 What Role Does Text Structure Play in Reading Comprehension? 344 Why Is Internet Reading Thought of as a New Literacy? 345 How Do Guided Reading, Literature Study, and Independent Reading Promote Literacy? 346 Guided Reading 347 Literature Study: Response Groups 348 Steps That Prepare Students to Work in Response Groups 350 How Literature Response Benefits English Learners 351 How Can We Encourage Independent Reading? 351 Approaches to Independent Reading 351 Helping Students Choose Books of Appropriate Difficulty 354 What Are the Characteristics and Strategies for Beginning and Intermediate Second Language Readers? 356 Beginning Second Language Readers: Characteristics and Strategies 356 Language-Experience Approach 356 Providing Quality Literature for Beginners 359 Pattern Books 360 Illustrating Stories and Poems 362 Shared Reading with Big Books 362 Directed Listening-Thinking Activity 363 Readers’ Theater 365 Story Mapping 366 Intermediate Second Language Readers: Characteristics and Strategies 367 Cognitive Mapping 368 Directed Reading-Thinking Activity 369 Literature Response Journals 372 Developing Scripts for Readers’ Theater 374 Adapting Stories into Plays and Skits for Live or Video presentations 374 How Do We Assess Second Language Readers’ Progress? 375 Assessing with Materials Students Bring to Class 376 Informal Assessment 377 Miscue Analysis 377 Miscue Procedure 377 Interpreting Miscues 379 Informal Reading Inventories 384 Determining Independent, Instructional, and Frustration Reading Levels 384 Independent Reading Level 384 Instructional Reading Level 385 Frustration Reading Level 385 Running Records 385 Procedures for Running Records 386 Strengths of Running Records 386 Other Reading Assessment Resources 387 Portfolio Assessment 387 Student Self-Assessment 389 How Do We Differentiate Reading and Literature Instruction? 389 Summary 392 Internet Resources 393 Activities 394 10 Content Reading and Writing: Prereading and During Reading 396 What Does Research Tell Us about Content Area Reading and Writing for English Learners? 401 Looking Closely at the Reading Process of Mature Readers 402 Resources That English Learners Bring to Reading in English 405 How Do Readers Interact with Longer, More Complex Texts? 408 Aesthetic and Efferent Interactions with Texts 408 Effects of Text Structure on Comprehension and Memory 409 Cohesive Ties/Signal Words 412 Headings and Subheadings 413 Teaching Text Structure: A Classroom Example 413 Literary Structure 414 Discussion of Story Elements 415 Metacognition and Learning from Text 415 How Can We Match Students with Texts for Optimal Learning? 416 Evaluating Students’ Interaction with Text Using the Group Reading Inventory 416 Evaluating Your Own Interaction with One Text 418 Which Strategies Promote Reading Comprehension? 420 Prereading Strategies: Developing Motivation, Purpose, and Background Knowledge 421 Teacher Talk: Making Purposes Clear 421 Field Trips and Films 422 Simulation Games 422 Using Newer Technologies to Enhance Comprehension 423 Experiments 423 Developing Vocabulary before Students Read a Text 423 Structured Overviews 424 Preview Guides 424 Anticipation Guides 425 During Reading Strategies: Monitoring Comprehension 427 Using Headings and Subheadings 427 Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) 428 Guided Reading 429 ReQuest Procedure 430 Vocabulary Strategies during Reading 431 Using Clustering to Develop Vocabulary in Context 431 Jigsaw Procedure 433 Learning Logs 433 How Can We Assess Students and Differentiate Instruction for Content Reading? 434 Summary 436 Internet Resources 436 Activities 437 11 Content Reading and Writing: Postreading Strategies for Organizing and Remembering 438 Which Postreading Strategies Are Effective with English Learners and Why? 441 Semantic Feature Analysis for Vocabulary Development after Reading 441 Strategies to Organize and Remember Information 442 Rehearsing 443 Venn Diagrams 443 Mapping 444 Reciprocal Teaching 445 Summarizing and Rehearsing Information with Mapping 446 How Can Writing Be Used as a Learning Tool across the Curriculum? 447 Journals and Learning Logs 447 Developing Teacher- and Student-Generated Topics in Content Areas 447 Photo Essays: Combining Direct Experience, the Visual Mode, and Writing 450 Written and Oral Collaborative Research Projects 452 K-W-L, a Strategy That Fosters Thinking before, during, and after Reading 454 How Do Theme Studies Provide a Meaningful Learning Context for English Learners? 455 Introducing the Topic and Choosing Study Questions 455 Organizing Instruction 458 Instructional Modifications for English Learners 460 How Can Content Learning Be Assessed? 462 Portfolio Assessment 462 Selecting Materials for the Portfolio 462 Evaluating Portfolios 462 Using Multiple Measures for Assessment 465 How May Content Area Instruction Be Differentiated for English Learners? 465 Summary 469 Internet Resources 470 Activities 471 Table of Contents
Manual solution Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners, 7th Edition for sale , Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners, 7th Edition for sale , Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 English Learners, 7th Edition pdf for sale , Suzanne F. Peregoy, San Francisco State University Owen F. Boyle, San Jose State University
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