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Table of Contents
PART I. A Reader’s Guide to the World of Writing
1. A World of Meaning: Reading and Thinking about Literature
Meaningless Words and the World of Meaning
Literary Form and Assumptions about Meaning
The Point of Literary Meaning
Forming Literary Meaning
Making Sense
Making Meaning out of Misunderstanding
Roberto Fernández, Wrong Channel
Deciphering Meaning: The Riddle Game
The Riddle as a Literary Device
Sylvia Plath, Metaphors
Making and Breaking the Rules
Carol Shields, Absence
Reading for What Does Not Make Sense
Writer at Work: The Reading Process
Sharon Olds, The Possessive
STUDENT WRITING: Justin Schiel reads and annotates The Possessive
Clarity and Ambiguity of Language
Working with Ambiguity in Literary Writing
Reading versus Writing
Working with Clarity in Nonliterary Writing: The Summary
STUDENT WRITING: Four Summaries of The Possessive
Clarity and Ambiguity in Storytelling
Franz Kafka, Before the Law
STUDENT WRITING: Two Summaries of Before the Law
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Wife’s Story
Clarity and Ambiguity of Argument: Summarizing an Essay
Rosa Ehrenreich Brooks, I Hate Trees
STUDENT WRITING: Melissa Kim, A Summary of Rosa Ehrenreich Brooks’s I Hate Trees
Clarity and Ambiguity in Visual Culture
Visual Assumptions
Writing a Summary of an Image
Cornelis Gijsbrechts, Letter Rack with Christian V’s Proclamation
STUDENT WRITING: Alan Green, A Summary of Letter Rack with Christian V’s Proclamation
Looking Back: A World of Meaning
2. Writing in the World: Argument, Critical Thinking, and the Process of Writing
Crafting an Argument
May Sarton, The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life
Analyzing an Argumentative Essay
Making Your Own Argument
Argument versus Thesis
From Idea to Thesis
Chinua Achebe, Dead Men’s Path
Critical Thinking: Reading, Questioning, Writing
Writer at Work: Critical Thinking from First Impressions to Finished Paper
Mary Oliver, August
Student Writer Katherine Randall, sample writing drafts
to final paper.
Critical Thinking in a Comparison Paper
Ellen Hunnicutt, Blackberries
Leslie Norris, Blackberries
STUDENT WRITING: Cynthia Wilson, Leave the Picking to the Boys
Thinking Critically about Visual Culture
Thinking Critically about Signs
Looking Back: Writing in the World
3. Investigating the World: Planning, Writing, and Revising a Research Paper
Finding a Topic
Finding, Evaluating, and Summarizing Your Sources in the Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources and Secondary Sources
The MLA Works-Cited List
Plagiarism and How to Avoid It
The Annotated Bibliography
STUDENT WRITING: Lorraine Betesh, Annotated Bibliography–Source #1
From the Annotated Bibliography to the First Draft
Making an Outline
STUDENT WRITING: Lorraine Betesh, The Brooklyn Bridge in Illustrations and Photographs–An Outline
Writing a First Draft
MLA In-Text Citations
Writer at Work: Revising
Revising the initial draft
A STUDENT RESEARCH PAPER USING VISUAL MEDIA: Lorraine Betesh, The Brooklyn Bridge in Illustrations and Photographs
Looking Back: Investigating the World
4. Organizing the World of Literature: Genre
Plot Conventions and Expectations
Margaret Atwood, Happy Endings
Comparing Genres
N. Scott Momaday, from The Way to Rainy Mountain
What Is Poetry?
Prosody: An Introduction
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Metrical Feet — Lesson for a Boy
Poetic Diction
Poetic Forms
What Is Fiction?
Fiction and History
Types of Fiction
The Craft of Fiction
Padgett Powell, A Gentleman’s C
The Materials of Fiction
The Tools of Fiction
What Is a Play?
Susan Glaspell, Trifles
Dramatic Structure
Form and Genre
What Is Nonfiction?
The Essay
Virginia Woolf, The Death of the Moth
Annie Dillard, The Death of a Moth
Analyzing an Essays
Writer at Work: Reading and Writing Essays
STUDENT WRITING: Scott Nathanson, The Meaning of Death
Types of Essays
What Are Visual Media?
Still Images
Sequential Images
Moving Images
Interactive Images
Looking Back: Organizing the World of Literature
Part II. The Writer’s World: Genres and the Craft of Literature
5. Imaging the World: Exploring the Forms of Literature
Imagining the World: Working with Poetry
Writer at Work: Three Poems about Social Relations
William Blake, London
Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Mary Oliver, Singapore
STUDENT WRITING: Summaries of London, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, and Singapore
STUDENT WRITING: A Comparison of London, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, and Singapore
Describing the World: Working with Stories
Writer at Work: The Power of Description
Julia Alvarez, Snow
STUDENT WRITING: A Descriptive Essay
Staging the World: Working with Plays
Writer at Work: Viewing and Writing about a Performance of Krapp’s Last Tape
Samuel Beckett, Krapp’s Last Tape
Notes on Krapp’s Last Tape, directed by Atom Egoyan, by Joshua Cohen
Response Paper on Krapp’s Last Tape, directed by Atom Egoyan, by
Joshua Cohen
Explaining the World: Working with Essays
Writer at Work: Arguing with an Essay
George Packer, How Susie Bayer’s T-Shirt Ended Up on Yusuf Mama’s Back
STUDENT WRITING: An Argumentative Essay on How Susie Bayer’s T- Shirt Ended Up on Yusuf Mama’s Back
Writer at Work: Topics for essays
6. Writing the World: Working with Literary Devices
Literary Devices
Patterns of Repetition
Patterns of Inversion
Patterns of Contradiction
Ambiguity and Double Meaning
Referring to Other Texts
Word Pictures
John Keats, Drawing of the Sosibios Vase
John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
Hiram Power, Greek Slave
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, On Hiram Powers’ Greek Slave
Peter Brueghel the Elder, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
William Carlos Williams, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
W. H. Auden, Musée des Beaux Arts
Michael Hamburger, Lines on Brueghel’s Icarus”
Akira Kurosawa, movie still from The Seven Samurai
Robert Hass, Heroic Simile
Writing the World: Topics for Essays
7. Translating the World: Reading and Writing between Languages
I Hate and Love: A Casebook on Translation
Catullus: Poem 85 with interlinear and literal translation
Richard Lovelace, I hate and love
Walter Landor, I love and hate
Ezra Pound, I hate and love
Peter Whigham, I hate and I love
Charles Martin, I hate & love
Frank Bidart, Catullus: Odi et Amo, Catullus: Excrucior
Miriam Sagan, Translating Catullus
Translation and Bilingualism
Mary TallMountain, There Is No Word for Goodbye [Native American]
Wilfrid Owen, Dulce et decorum est
Michael Martone, The Mayor of the Sister City Speaks to the Chamber of Commerce in Klamath Falls, Oregon, on a Night in December in 1976
Amy Tan, from Mother Tongue
Translating the World: Topics for Essays
PART III. The Reader’s World: Exploring the Themes of Literature
8. The World Closest to Us: Me and You
Julio Cortázar, Unusual Occupations
Flannery O’Connor, A Good Man is Hard to Find
James Baldwin, Sonny’s Blues
Jonathan Safran Foer, Primer for the Punctuation of Heart Disease
Alice Walker, Everyday Use
Robert Hayden, Those Winter Sundays
Lucille Clifton, wishes for sons
Kitty Tsui, A Chinese Banquet
William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Scott Russell Sanders, Buckeye
Families: Topics for essays
Children and Adolescents
Jamaica Kincaid, Girl
Lorrie Moore, The Kid’s Guide to Divorce
James Joyce, Araby
John Updike, A&P
Elizabeth Bishop, In the Waiting Room
Anne Sexton, Little Red Riding Hood
Agha Shahid Ali, The Wolf’s Postscript to Little Red Riding Hood
Gary Soto, Behind Grandma’s House
Langston Hughes, Salvation
Children and Adolescents: Topics for essays
Dorothy Parker, The Waltz
John Steinbeck, The Chrysanthemums
Amanda Holzer, ove and Other Catastrophes: A Mix Tape
Uruttiran, What She Said to Her Girl Friend
Ono no Komachi, selected tanka
Sara Teasdale, The Look
William Shakespeare,
Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Sonnet 116)
When, in disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes (Sonnet 29)
How oft when thou, my music, music play'st (Sonnet 128)
John Donne, The Flea
Jimmy Santiago Baca, Spliced Wire
Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee
T. S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Sei Shonagon, from The Pillow Book
Lovers: Topics for essays
Working further with the World Closest to Us
Reading Globally, Writing Locally I: Orhan Pamuk and the Literature of Europe
Orhan Pamuk, My Father’s Suitcase
Orhan Pamuk, To Look Out The Window
Julio Cortázar, Axolotl
Eleni Fourtouni, Child’s Memory
CzesBaw MiBosz, My Faithful Mother Tongue
Working further with the literature of Europe
9. The Worlds around Us: Beliefs and Ethics
Beliefs: Creation and Beginnings
Sacred Text
Genesis, chapters 1-3
Secular Texts
Voltaire, Plato’s Dream
Salman Rushdie, Imagine There’s No Heaven
K. C. Cole, Murmurs
Creation and Beginnings: Topics for essays
Ethics: Destruction and Endings
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Young Goodman Brown
Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour
Ernest Hemingway, Hills Like White Elephants
Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried
William Carlos Williams, Complete Destruction
Robert Frost, Fire and Ice
John Donne, Death, Be Not Proud
Dylan Thomas, Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Emily Dickinson, I like a look of Agony
Because I could not stop for Death ;
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain ;
I heard a Fly buzz–when I died–
It was not Death, for I stood up
A toad can die of light!
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant
WisBawa Szymborska, Lot’s Wife
Carolyn Forché, The Colonel
Sophocles, Antigone
Destruction and Endings: Topics for essays
Working further with the Worlds around Us
Reading Globally, Writing Locally II: Naguib Mahfouz and the Literature of Africa
Naguib Mahfouz, Half a Day (translated by Davies Denys Johnson)
Naguib Mahfouz, Zaabalawi (translated by Davies Denys Johnson)
Binyavanga Wainaina, How to Write about Africa
Jeremy Cronin, To learn how to speak …
Chenjerai Hove, You Will Forget
Working further with the literature of Africa
10. The World We Live in: Spaces and Places
In-Between Spaces
Eudora Welty, A Worn Path
Raymond Carver, Cathedral
Sherman Alexie, This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona
Robert Frost, Mending Wall
James Wright, Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota
Henry Taylor, Landscape with Tractor
Louise Erdrich, Dear John Wayne
Yusuf Komunyakaa, Facing It
Rachel Carson, The Marginal World
In-between spaces: Topics for essays
Confined Spaces
Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado
William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Sympathy
Stevie Smith, Not Waving but Drowning
Robert Browning, My Last Duchess
Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House
Mikhael Metzel, The accused awaiting trial in the Butyrskaya prison in Moscow
Malcolm X, from The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Confined Spaces: Topics for essays
Working further with the World We Live In
Reading Globally, Writing Locally III: Jhumpa Lahiri and The Literature of Asia
Jhumpa Lahiri, My Two Lives
Jhumpa Lahiri, When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
Kazuo Ishiguro, A Family Supper
Garrett Hongo, Who among You Knows the Essence of Garlic?
Xu Gang, Red Azalea on the Cliff
Working further with the literature of Asia
11. The World We Share: Nature, Cities, and the Environment
Living in the City
Toni Cade Bambara, The Lesson
Allen Ginsberg, Supermarket in California
Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro
Sharon Olds, On the Subway
Langston Hughes, Theme for English B
Bill Buford, Lions and Tigers and Bears
Living in the City: Topics for essays
Living in Nature
Sarah Orne Jewett, A White Heron
T. C. Boyle, Greasy Lake
Haiku by Basho and Richard Wright
H. D., The Sea Rose
William Carlos Williams, So Much Depends
Elizabeth Bishop, The Fish
Walt Whitman, When I Heard the Learned Astronomer
Langston Hughes, The Negro Speaks of Rivers
Gerard Manley Hopkins, Inversnaid
Wendell Berry, Stay Home
Robert Frost, A Brook in the City
W. S. Merwin, Rain at Night
Louis D. Owens, The American Indian Wilderness
Donella Meadows, Living Lightly and Inconsistently on the Land
Living in Nature: Topics for Essays
Working further with the World Around Us
Reading Globally, Writing Locally IV:
Gabriel García Márquez and the Literature of the Americas
Gabriel García Márquez, The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
Gabriel García Márquez, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Pablo Neruda, The Word
Jimmy Santiago Baca, So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs from Americans
Tino Villanueva, Variation on a Theme by William Carlos Williams
Working further with the literature of the Americas
Appendix A: The World of Literary Criticism
Appendix B: MLA Documentation Guidelines
Manual solution Literature: A World of Writing Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays for sale , Literature: A World of Writing Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays for sale , Literature: A World of Writing Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays pdf for sale , David L. Pike, American University Ana Acosta, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
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