lundi 25 février 2019

Manual solution Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition for sale

Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition

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  • Digital file of Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition for sale

Category : Higher Education

Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition by Neil A. Weiss, Arizona State University ZIP OR PDF for sale 

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Table of Contents


1. The Nature of Statistics.

Case Study: Top Films of All Time.

Two Kinds of Statistics.

The Technology Center.

Simple Random Sampling.

Other Sampling Designs.

Experimental Designs.


2. Organizing Data.

Case Study: Preventing Infant Mortality.

Variables and Data.

Grouping Data.

Graphs and Charts.

Stem-and-Leaf Diagrams.

Distribution Shapes; Symmetry and Skewness.

Misleading Graphs.

3. Descriptive Measures.

Case Study: New York Yankees Y2K Salaries.

Measures of Center.

The Sample Mean.

Measures of Variation; the Sample Standard Deviation.

The Five-Number Summary; Boxplots.

Descriptive Measures for Populations; Use of Samples.


4. Probability Concepts.

Case Study: The Powerball.

Probability Basics.


Some Rules of Probability.

*Contingency Tables; Joint and Marginal Probabilities.

*Conditional Probability.

*The Multiplication Rule; Independence.

*Bayes's Rule.

*Counting Rules.

5. Discrete Random Variables.

Case Study: Aces Wild on the Sixth at Oak Hill.

*Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions.

*The Mean and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random Variable.

*The Binomial Distribution.

*The Poisson Distribution.

6. The Normal Distribution.

Case Study: Chest Sizes of Scottish Militiamen.

Introducing Normally Distributed Variables.

Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve.

Working With Normally Distributed Variables.

Assessing Normality; Normal Probability Plots.

*Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution .

7. The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean.

Case Study: The Chesapeake and Ohio Freight Study.

Sampling Error; the Need for Sampling Distributions.

The Mean and Standard Deviation of x.

The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean.


8. Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean.

Case Study: The Chips Ahoy! 1,000 Chips Challenge.

Estimating a Population Mean.

Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When <F128>s Is Known.

Margin of Error.

Confidence Intervals for One Population Mean When <F128>s Is Unknown.

9. Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean.

Case Study: Sex and Sense of Direction.

The Nature of Hypothesis Testing.

Terms, Errors, and Hypotheses.

Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean When <F128>s Is Known.

*Type II Error Probabilities; Power.


Hypothesis Tests for One Population Mean When <F128>s Is Unknown.

*The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test.

*Which Procedure Should Be Used?

10. Inferences for Two Population Means.

Case Study: Breast Milk and IQ.

The Sampling Distribution of the Difference Between Two Sample Means for Independent Samples.

Inferences for Two Population Means Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Assumed Equal.

Inferences for Two Population Means Using Independent Samples: Standard Deviations Not Assumed Equal.

*The Mann-Whitney Test.

Inferences for Two Population Means Using Paired Samples.

*The Paired Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test.

*Which Procedure Should Be Used?

11. Inferences for Population Standard Deviations.

Case Study: Speaker Woofer Driver Manufacturing.

*Inferences for One Population Standard Deviation.

*Inferences for Two Population Standard Deviations Using Independent Samples.

12. Inferences for Population Proportions.

Case Study: Double-Dipping ATM Fees.

Confidence Intervals for One Population Proportion.

Hypothesis Tests for One Population Proportion.

Inferences for Two Population Proportions Using Independent Samples.

13. Chi-Square Procedures.

Case Study: Road Rage.

The Chi-Square Distribution.

Chi-Square Goodness-Of-Fit Test.

Contingency Tables; Association.

Chi-Square Independence Test.


14. Descriptive Methods in Regression and Correlation.

Case Study: Fat Consumption and Prostate Cancer.

Linear Equations With One Independent Variable.

The Regression Equation.

The Coefficient of Determination.

Linear Correlation.

15. Inferential Methods in Regression and Correlation.

Case Study: Fat Consumption and Prostate Cancer.

The Regression Model; Analysis of Residuals.

Inferences for the Slope of the Population Regression Line.

Estimation and Prediction.

Inferences in Correlation.

*Testing for Normality.

16. Analysis of Variance (Anova).

Case Study: Heavy Drinking Among College Students.

The F-Distribution.

One-Way ANOVA: The Logic.

One-Way ANOVA: The Procedure.

*Multiple Comparisons.

*The Kruskal-Wallis Test.


Module A. Multiple Regression Analysis.

The Multiple Linear Regression Model.

Estimation of the Regression Parameters.

Inferences Concerning the Utility of the Regression Model.

Inferences Concerning the Utility of Particular Predictor Variables.

Confidence Intervals for Mean Response; Prediction.

Intervals for Response.

Checking Model Assumptions and Residual Analysis.

Module B. Model Building in Regression.

Transformations to Remedy Model Violations.

Polynomial Regression Model.

Qualitative Predictor Variables.


Model Selection: Stepwise Regression.

Model Selection: All Subsets Regression.

Pitfalls and Warnings.

Module C. Design Of Experiments and Analysis of Variance.

Factorial Designs.

Two-Way ANOVA: The Logic.

Two-Way ANOVA: The Procedure.

Two-Way ANOVA: Multiple Comparisons.

Randomized Block Designs.

Randomized Block ANOVA: The Logic.

Randomized Block ANOVA: The Procedure.

Randomized Block ANOVA: Multiple Comparisons.

*Friedman's Nonparametric Test for the Randomized Block Design.


Appendix A. Statistical Tables.

Appendix B. Answers To Selected Exercises.


Manual solution Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition for sale , Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition for sale , Introductory Statistics, 6th Edition pdf for sale , Neil A. Weiss, Arizona State University

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