vendredi 8 février 2019

Manual solution Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition for sale

Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition

30.00$ - DOWNLOAD

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  • Digital file of Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition for sale

Category : Higher Education

Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition by Daniel J. Limmer, EMT-P, Southern Maine Technical College Michael F. O'Keefe, Department of Health Harvey T. Grant, Department of Health, Southern Maine Technical College Bob Murray, Department of Health, Department of Health J. David Berger ZIP OR PDF for sale 

***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book***

Table of Contents

Section 1 – Foundations

  1. Introduction to Emergency Medical Services and the Health Care System
  2. The Well-being of the EMT
  3. Lifting and Moving Patients
  4. Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
  5. Medical Terminology and Anatomy and Physiology
  6. Principles of Pathophysiology
  7. Life Span Development

Section 2 – Airway Management, Respiration, and Artificial Ventilation

  1. Airway Management
  2. Respiration and Artificial Ventilation (Sample Chapter)

Section 3 – Patient Assessment

  1. Scene Size-up
  2. The Primary Assessment
  3. Vital Signs and Monitoring Devices
  4. Assessment of the Trauma Patient (includes history-taking specific to the trauma patient)
  5. Assessment of the Medical Patient (includes history-taking specific to the medical patient)
  6. Reassessment
  7. Critical Thinking and Decision Making
  8. Communication and Documentation

Section 4 – Medical Emergencies

  1. General Pharmacology
  2. Respiratory Emergencies
  3. Cardiac Emergencies
  4. Diabetic Emergencies and Altered Mental Status
  5. Allergic Reaction
  6. Poisoning and Overdose Emergencies
  7. Abdominal Emergencies
  8. Behavioral and Psychiatric Emergencies and Suicide
  9. Hematologic and Renal Emergencies

Section 5 – Trauma Emergencies

  1. Bleeding and Shock
  2. Soft Tissue Trauma
  3. Chest and Abdominal Trauma
  4. Musculoskeletal Trauma
  5. Trauma to the Head, Neck, and Spine
  6. Multisystem Trauma
  7. Environmental Emergencies

Section 6 – Special Populations

  1. Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies
  2. Pediatric Emergencies
  3. Geriatric Emergencies
  4. Emergencies for Patients with Special Challenges

Section 7 – Operations

  1. EMS Operations
  2. Hazardous Materials, Multiple-Casualty Incidents, and Incident Management
  3. Highway Safety and Vehicle Extrication
  4. EMS Response to Terrorism  


  1. Basic Cardiac Life Support Review
  2. Medical Terminology
  3. Glossary
  4. Answer Key 


Manual solution Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition for sale , Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition for sale , Emergency Care (Subscription), 12th Edition pdf for sale , Daniel J. Limmer, EMT-P, Southern Maine Technical College Michael F. O'Keefe, Department of Health Harvey T. Grant, Department of Health, Southern Maine Technical College Bob Murray, Department of Health, Department of Health J. David Berger

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