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Category : Higher Education
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Table of Contents
List of Tables, Figures, and Photos
Chapter 1: Language Acquisition and Language Learning in the Classroom
What do we know about first language acquisition?
Language acquisition is universal
Language acquisition is natural
Language acquisition does not require instruction
What is the nature of the first language environment?
Children are immersed in language
Language is highly contextualized
Language is a tool for purposeful use
Children are physically active while learning languages
Acquisition occurs within a social environment
Children choose those aspects of language they wish to acquire
Language acquisition is emotionally embedded
Language acquisition is an integrated learning experience
How is learning a second language in the classroom different from acquiring a first language?
The acquisition and learning hypothesis
The natural order hypothesis
The input hypothesis
The affective filter hypothesis
The monitor hypothesis
What are factors affecting acquisition?
Limited language input
Classroom organization
High content and language level
Academic and social language
Negative Bias
Cognition, age, and social/cultural differences
Error correction
Culture shock
What strategies do ELLs use to acquire languages?
What Can ELLs Tell Us About Positive Classroom Environments and Learning Experiences?
ELLs are active acquirers
ELLs seek to find meaning
ELLs seek to use language for purposeful activity
ELLs profit from physical activity
ELLs are social beings
ELLs choose the language they want to learn
ELLs respond to an emotionally positive classroom
ELLs respond to interesting content information
Questions for Reflection
Activities for further learning
Suggested readings about first language acquisition
Suggested readings about comprehensible input
Web Sites for further learning
Principles of Integrated Language Teaching and Learning
Activity-Based Language Teaching and Learning
Principle 1: Active Engagement.
Principle 2: Cultural Relevance
Principle 4: Learning Strategies
Communicative Teaching and Learning
Principle 5: Comprehensible Input with Scaffolding
Principle 7. Content Integration
Principle 9. Clear, Appropriate Goals and Feedback
Activities for further learning
Chapter 3: Reaching Out to Home and Community
Teachers as Cultural Mediators
How do teachers connect to the homes and families of their students?
How can the school community support the education of language learners?
How can the community outside the school support the education of ELLs?
Questions for Reflection
Activities for Further Learning
Suggested Reading
Websites for Further Learning
Chapter 4: Principles for Managing the Integrated Classroom
First Things First: Feeling Ready to Learn
Gathering information
Organizing the Physical Environment to Promote Language Learning
Furniture is important
Public areas
Private space
Organizing the Classroom Social Environment to Promote Language Learning
Social integration
Presentation formats
Learning styles
Organizing Instruction to Promote Language Learning
Sheltered instruction
Cooperative Learning
Problem-based Learning
Project Learning
Questions for Reflection
Activities for further learning
Suggested readings on sheltered instruction
Suggested readings on cooperative learning
Web Sites
Chapter 5: Strategies for Oral Language Development During Instruction
Conditions for Language Learning
Academic Language Learning
What is academic language?
Culturally diverse learning patterns
Oral Language Development
Stages of Oral Language Development
Early Production
Speech Emergence
Intermediate Fluency
Teacher Tools for Oral Language Development
Clarity Tools
Question and Response Tools
Collaborative Dialogues
Questions for Reflection
Activities for Further Learning
Suggested Reading
Web Sites for Further Learning
Chapter 6: Oral Language Development in the Content Classroom
Content Learning and Oral Language Development
Language Arts
Story Telling
Reader’s Theater
Social Studies
Factors Affecting Achievement
Instructional Techniques for math class
Factors Affecting Achievement
Instructional Techniques for science class
Oral Language Development Every Which Way
Songs and Chants/Poetry and Rap
Role Plays, RAFTS and Simulations
Listening In While Not Tuning Out
Sound Discrimination
Listening for Understanding
Questions for Reflection
Activities for Further Learning
Suggested Reading
Web Sites for Further Learning
Chapter 7: Developing Literacy with English Learners: Focus on Reading
Unique characteristics of English learners developing literacy
What is unique about English Language Learners who are developing literacy?
Issues in literacy development with older English learners
What are our recommendations for these older learners?
Assessing ELL Literacy Development
Activities for further learning
Web resources for further learning
Chapter 8: Developing Literacy with English Learners: Focus on Writing
Why Teach Writing with English Learners?
How does writing develop with ELLs?
Connecting Writing to Active, Communicative Language Teaching and Learning
Challenges of teaching writing to English Learners
Developing a writing environment
Getting Started: Interactive Writing
Scaffolding Learners through the Writing Process
Determining Goals--Standards for ELL Writing.
Activities for Further Learning
Web Resources for Further Learning
Chapter 9: Structuring and Planning Integrated Lessons
Lesson Characteristics which Support Learning
Teacher directed instruction
Heterogeneous grouping
Appropriate content
Attention to language
Supportive practice
Corrective feedback
A Lesson Format for Integrated Learning
Into the Lesson: Activating and Preparing for Learning
Content and Language Standards
Defining content objectives
Language objectives
Performance Indicators (3 kinds of supports)
Learning strategy Objectives (with Chamot chart)
Activation of prior and current knowledge
Through: Input for Active Understanding and Practical Purpose
Language and content input
Guided practice
Check for understanding (Dipsticking)
Beyond: Providing Reasons for Further Communication
Independent practice
Questions for Reflection
Activities for further learning
Suggested reading
Web sites for further learning
Chapter 10: Assessment Tools for the Integrated Classroom
What is Assessment?
Different types of assessment
What are the fundamental principles of assessment for ELLs?
What are the critical factors affecting the assessment of ELLs
What are examples of authentic, performance-based classroom assessment?
Visible criteria
How do standards affect classroom assessment?
Questions for Reflection
Activities for further learning
Suggested reading
Web site for further learning
Chapter 11: Putting It All Together Thematically: Developing Content-based
Thematic Units
What is thematic instruction?
Why teach thematically?
How are thematic units structured?
· Concrete to abstract
· Low to high cognitive levels
· Simple to complex content structures
What about standards in a Thematic Unit?
Organizing Content Curriculum in a Thematic Unit
Organizing Language Curriculum in a Thematic Unit
How can Learning Strategies be incorporated in to a Thematic Unit?
A Last Word
Questions for Reflection
Activities for further learning
Suggested readings
Web sites for further learning
Integrated Thematic Unit: Fairy Tales
Integrated Thematic Unit: Oceans
Manual solution Teaching Learners of English in Mainstream Classrooms (K-8): One Class, Many Paths for sale , Teaching Learners of English in Mainstream Classrooms (K-8): One Class, Many Paths for sale , Teaching Learners of English in Mainstream Classrooms (K-8): One Class, Many Paths pdf for sale , Linda New Levine Mary Lou McCloskey
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