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BRIEF CONTENTS CONTENTS vii PREFACE xii WHAT’S NEW xiv FACULTY AND STUDENT RESOURCES FOR ART HISTORY xviii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND GRATITUDE xix USE NOTES xxi STARTER KIT xxii INTRODUCTION xxvi Chapter 17 FOURTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN EUROPE 529 Chapter 18 FIFTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN NORTHERN EUROPE 561 Chapter 19 RENAISSANCE ART IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALY 593 Chapter 20 SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN ITALY 631 Chapter 21 SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN NORTHERN EUROPE AND THE IBERIAN PENINSULA 677 Chapter 22 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN EUROPE 711 CONTEMPORARY WORLD MAP GLOSSARY BIBLIOGRAPHY CREDITS INDEX DETAILED CONTENTS CONTENTS vii PREFACE xiv WHAT’S NEW xv FACULTY AND STUDENT RESOURCES FOR ART HISTORY xviii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND GRATITUDE xix USE NOTES xxi STARTER KIT xxii INTRODUCTION xxvi CHAPTER 17 FOURTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN EUROPE 529 FOURTEENTH-CENTURY EUROPE 530 ITALY 531 Florentine Architecture and Metalwork 532 Florentine Painting 532 Sienese Painting 539 FRANCE 547 Manuscript Illumination 547 Metalwork and Ivory 549 ENGLAND 552 Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum 552 Architecture 554 THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE 554 Mysticism and Suffering 554 The Supremacy of Prague 555 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS A New Spirit in Fourteenth-Century Literature 531 The Black Death 546 THE OBJECT SPEAKS An Ivory Chest with Scenes of Romance 550 A CLOSER LOOK The Hours of Jeanne d’Évreux 548 TECHNIQUE Buon Fresco 537 Cennino Cennini on Panel Painting 542 CHAPTER 18 FIFTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN NORTHERN EUROPE 561 THE NORTHERN RENAISSANCE 562 ART FOR THE FRENCH DUCAL COURTS 562 Painting and Sculpture for the Chartreuse de Champmol 562 Manuscript Illumination 566 Textiles 568 PAINTING IN FLANDERS 571 The Founders of the Flemish School 571 Painting at Mid Century: The Second Generation 580 EUROPE BEYOND FLANDERS 583 France 584 Germany and Switzerland 586 THE GRAPHIC ARTS 589 Single Sheets 589 Printed Books 589 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS Altars and Altarpieces 564 Women Artists in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 566 THE OBJECT SPEAKS The Ghent Altarpiece 576 A CLOSER LOOK A Goldsmith in his Shop 581 TECHNIQUE Oil Painting 571 Woodcuts and Engravings on Metal 590 CHAPTER 19 RENAISSANCE ART IN FIFTEENTH-CENTURY ITALY 593 HUMANISM AND THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE 594 FLORENCE 594 Architecture 595 Sculpture 602 Painting 609 Painting in Florence after Masaccio 612 ITALIAN ART IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY 615 Urbino 615 Mantua 620 Rome 621 The Later Fifteenth Century in Florence 623 Venice 627 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS The Competition Reliefs 601 The Morelli–Nerli Wedding Chests 616 THE OBJECT SPEAKS The Foundling Hospital 598 A CLOSER LOOK Primavera 626 TECHNIQUE Renaissance Perspective 608 CHAPTER 20 SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN ITALY 631 EUROPE IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY 632 ITALY IN THE EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY: THE HIGH RENAISSANCE 632 Three Great Artists of the Early Sixteenth Century 633 Architecture in Rome and the Vatican 650 Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture in Northern Italy 650 Venice and the Veneto 654 MANNERISM 659 Painting 660 Sculpture 665 ART AND THE COUNTER-REFORMATION 666 Art and Architecture in Rome and the Vatican 666 LATER SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN VENICE AND THE VENETO 670 Oil Painting 670 Architecture: Palladio 672 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS The Vitruvian Man 637 St. Peter’s Basilica 651 Women Patrons of the Arts 658 Veronese is Called before the Inquisition 671 THE OBJECT SPEAKS Raphael’s Cartoons for Tapestries in the Sistine Chapel 646 A CLOSER LOOK The School of Athens 640 CHAPTER 21 SIXTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN NORTHERN EUROPE AND THE IBERIAN PENINSULA 677 THE REFORMATION AND THE ARTS 678 GERMANY 679 Sculpture 679 Painting 680 FRANCE 689 A French Renaissance under Francis I 689 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 692 Architecture 694 Painting 694 THE NETHERLANDS 696 Art for Aristocratic and Noble Patrons 696 Antwerp 701 ENGLAND 705 Artists in the Tudor Court 705 Architecture 708 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS The Castle of the Ladies 690 Sculpture for the Knights of Christ at Tomar 693 Armor for Royal Games 707 THE OBJECT SPEAKS Breugel’s Cycle of the Months 702 A CLOSER LOOK The French Ambassadors 704 TECHNIQUE German Metalwork: A Collaborative Venture 684 CHAPTER 22 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY ART IN EUROPE 711 “BAROQUE” 712 ITALY 712 Architecture and Sculpture in Rome 712 Painting 718 SPAIN 729 Painting in Spain’s Golden Age 729 Architecture in Spain 734 FLANDERS AND THE NETHERLANDS 735 Flanders 735 The Dutch Republic 742 France 755 Architecture and its Decoration at Versailles 758 Painting 759 ENGLAND 765 Architecture 765 BOXES ART AND ITS CONTEXTS Science and the Changing Worldview 756 Grading the Old Masters 764 THE OBJECT SPEAKS Caravaggio in the Contarelli Chapel 722 A CLOSER LOOK Brueghel and Rubens’s Allegory of Sight 740 ELEMENTS OF ARCHITECTURE Seventeenth-Century French Garden Design 760 TECHNIQUE Etchings and Drypoint 748 CONTEMPORARY WORLD MAP GLOSSARY BIBLIOGRAPHY CREDITS INDEX Table of Contents
Manual solution Art History Portable, Book 4: 14th-17th Century Art, 4th Edition for sale , Art History Portable, Book 4: 14th-17th Century Art, 4th Edition for sale , Art History Portable, Book 4: 14th-17th Century Art, 4th Edition pdf for sale , Marilyn Stokstad, University of Kansas Michael W. Cothren, Swarthmore College
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