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Category : Chemistry
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Product Description:
Following in the tradition of the first five editions, the goal of this market leading textbook, Chemistry in Context, sixth edition, is to establish chemical principles on a need-to-know basis within a contextual framework of significant social, political, economic and ethical issues. The non traditional approach of Chemistry in Context reflect today’s technological issues and the chemistry principles imbedded within them. Global warming, alternate fuels, nutrition, and genetic engineering are examples of issues that are covered in CIC. Chapter 0 Why the Spiderweb? Chapter 2 Protecting the Ozone Layer Chapter 3 The Chemistry of Global Warming Chapter 4 Energy, Chemistry, and Society Chapter 5 The Water We Drink Chapter 6 Neutralizing the Threat of Acid Rain Chapter 7 The Fires of Nuclear Fission Chapter 8 Energy from Electron Transfer Chapter 9 The World of Plastics and Polymers Chapter 10 Manipulating Molecules and Designing Drugs Chapter 11 Nutrition: Food for Thought Chapter 12 Genetic Engineering and the Molecules of Life Language: English
Chapter 1 The Air We Breathe
1.1 Everyday Breathing
1.2 What’s in a Breath? The Composition of Air
1.3 What Else Is In a Breath?
1.4 Taking and Assessing Risks
1.5 The Atmosphere: Our Blanket of Air
1.6 Classifying Matter: Mixtures, Elements, and Compounds
1.7 Atoms and Molecules
1.8 Names and Formulas: The Vocabulary of Chemistry
1.9 Chemical Change: Oxygen’s Role in Burning
1.10 Fire and Fuel: Air Quality and Burning Hydrocarbons
1.11 Air Pollutants: Direct Sources
1.12 Ozone: A Secondary Pollutant
1.13 The Inside Story of Air Quality
1.14 Back to the Breath—at the Molecular Level
2.1 Ozone: What and Where Is It?
2.2 Atomic Structure and Periodicity
2.3 Molecules and Models
2.4 Waves of Light
2.5 Radiation and Matter
2.6 The Oxygen–Ozone Screen
2.7 Biological Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation
2.8 Stratospheric Ozone Destruction:Global Observations and Causes
2.9 Chlorofluorocarbons: Properties, Uses, and Interactions with Ozone
2.10 The Antarctic Ozone Hole: A Closer Look
2.11 Responses to a Global Concern
2.12 Replacements for CFCs
3.1 In the Greenhouse: Earth’s Energy Balance
3.2 Gathering Evidence: The Testimony of Time
3.3 Molecules: How They Shape Up
3.4 Vibrating Molecules and the Greenhouse Effect
3.5 The Carbon Cycle: Contributions from Nature and Humans
3.6 Quantitative Concepts: Mass
3.7 Quantitative Concepts: Molecules and Moles
3.8 Methane and Other Greenhouse Gases
3.9 Gathering Evidence: Projecting into the Future
3.10 Strategies for Change
3.11 Beyond the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change
3.12 Global Warming and Ozone Depletion
4.1 Energy, Work, and Heat
4.2 Energy Transformation
4.3 Measuring Energy Changes
4.4 Energy Changes at the Molecular Level
4.5 Our Need for Fuel
4.6 Coal
4.7 Petroleum
4.8 Manipulating Molecules to Make Gasoline
4.9 Oxygenated Gasoline
4.10 New Fuels, New Sources
4.11 The Case for Conservation
5.1 Water from the Tap or Bottle
5.2 Where Does Drinking Water Come From?
5.3 Water as a Solvent
5.4 Solute Concentration in Aqueous Solutions
5.5 The Molecular Structure and Physical Properties of Water
5.6 The Role of Hydrogen Bonding
5.7 A Close Look at Solutes
5.8 Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds
5.9 Water Solutions of Ionic Compounds
5.10 Covalent Compounds and Their Solutions
5.11 Protecting Our Drinking Water: Federal Legislation
5.12 Treatment of Municipal Drinking Water
5.13 Is There Lead in Your Drinking Water?
5.14 Consumer Choices: Tap Water, Bottled Water, and Filtered Water
5.15 International Needs for Safe Drinking Water
6.1 What is an Acid?
6.2 What Is a Base?
6.3 Neutralization: Bases Are Antacids
6.4 Introducing pH
6.5 The Challenges of Measuring the pH of Rain
6.6 In Search of the Extra Acidity
6.7 Sulfur Dioxide and the Combustion of Coal
6.8 Nitrogen Oxides and the Acidification of Los Angeles
6.9 SO2 and NOx—How Do They Stack Up?
6.10 Acid Deposition and Its Effects on Materials
6.11 Acid Deposition, Haze, and Human Health
6.12 NOx—The Double Whammy
6.13 Damage to Lakes and Streams
6.14 Control Strategies
6.15 The Politics of Acid Rain
7.1 A Comeback for Nuclear Energy?
7.2 How Fission Produces Energy
7.3 How Nuclear Reactors Produce Electricity
7.4 Nuclear Power Worldwide
7.5 What Is Radioactivity?
7.6 Looking Backward to Go Forward
7.7 Radioactivity and You
7.8 Nuclear Waste: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
7.9 Options for Dealing with Nuclear Waste
7.10 The Nuclear Weapons Connection
7.11 Risks and Benefi ts of Nuclear Power
7.12 What Is the Future for Nuclear Power?
8.1 Electrons, Cells, and Batteries: The Basics
8.2 Some Common Batteries
8.3 Lead–Acid (Storage) Batteries
8.4 Hybrid Vehicles
8.5 Fuel Cells: The Basics
8.6 Fuel Cells: One Type Doesn’t Fit All
8.7 Splitting Water: Fact or Fantasy?
8.8 The Hydrogen Economy
8.9 Photovoltaics: The Basics
8.10 Photovoltaics: Plugging into the Sun
9.1 Polymers: Long, Long Chains
9.2 Adding up the Monomers
9.3 Polyethylene: A Closer Look
9.4 The “Big Six”: Theme and Variations
9.5 Condensing the Monomers
9.6 Polyamides: Natural and Nylon
9.7 Recycling: The Big Picture
9.8 Recycling Plastics: The Details
10.1 A Classic Wonder Drug
10.2 The Study of Carbon-Containing Molecules
10.3 Functional Groups
10.4 How Aspirin Works: Function Follows Form
10.5 Modern Drug Design
10.6 Give These Molecules a Hand!
10.7 Steroids
10.8 When Drug Researchers Think Small
10.9 Drug Testing and Approval
10.10 Prescription, Generic, and Over-the-Counter Medicines
10.11 Herbal Medicine
10.12 Drugs of Abuse
11.1 You Are What You Eat
11.2 Fats and Oils: Part of the Lipid Family
11.3 Carbohydrates: Sweet and Starchy
11.4 Proteins: First Among Equals
11.5 Vitamins and Minerals: The Other Essentials
11.6 Energy from the Metabolism of Food
11.7 Quality Versus Quantity: Dietary Advice
11.8 Feeding a Hungry World
11.9 Food Preservation
12.1 The Chemistry of Heredity
12.2 The Double Helix of DNA
12.3 Cracking the Chemical Code
12.4 Protein Structure and Activity: Form and Function
12.5 The Human Genome Project
12.6 Genetically Engineered Medical Treatments
12.7 Genetically Engineered Agriculture
12.8 Cloning Mammals and Humans
12.9 The New Prometheus?
ISBN-10: 0077221346
ISBN-13: 978-0077221348
ISBN-13: 9780077221348
Chemistry in Context 6th Edition by American Chemical Society ACS test bank download pdf
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